1600 BCE
The name electricity came to be known
William Gilbert first coined the term "electricity" from the Greek word for amber -
The name electricity came to be known
William Gilbert first coined the term "electricity" from the Greek word for amber. -
first machine with electricity
Otto von Guericke invented the machine that produced static electricity. -
The first electric machine
Otto von Guericke invented the first electric generator, which produced static electricity by applying friction against a revolving ball of sulfur. -
Discovery of the conduction of electricity.
Stephen Gray discovered the conduction of electricity -
Finding of positive and negative charges
Charles Francois du Fay discovered that electricity comes in two forms which he called resinous(-) and vitreous(+) -
Finding that lightning was electricity
Benjamin Franklin invented the lightning rod - he demonstrated lightning was electricity. -
First electric battery
Alessandro Volta also proved that electricity could travel over wires. -
Relationship between magnetism and electricity founded
Finds of how the electrical currents affected the needle on a compass.Marie Ampere also discovered that a coil of wires acted like a magnet when a current is passed through it