Most Important Events in Postwar America

  • Nation of Islam

  • GI Bill

  • Yalta conference

    start of cold war, division of Germany
  • United Nations

  • Period: to

    Cold War

  • Truman Doctorine

    Contain Communism around world
  • Levittown Suburbs

  • Creation of the CIA

  • Marshall Plan

  • The Critical Year

    chiang-kai shek
    russian bomb created
  • Accusations from Joseph McCarthy

  • Period: to

    Korean War

    Outcome: 38 Parallel (militarized zone)
  • 22nd Amendment

  • Brinkmanship and Massive Retaliation

  • Brown v Board of Education

    no segregation in schools
  • Period: to

    Montgomery Bus Boycott

  • SCLC

    created and lead by MLK for ministers
  • Little Rock Central High School

  • NASA created because of Sputnik

  • National Defense Education act

    because of space race
  • U-2 Incident

    Soviets shot down plane and captured pilot
    Gary Powers
  • Sit-ins and creation of SNCC

    important views of voting rights
  • Birmingham and Freedom Riders

  • March from Selma to Montgomery

    Police brutality