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Most dangerous Tsunamis Maelee Ambrass

  • Lisbon Earthquake Portugal

    Lisbon Earthquake Portugal
    The magnitude of the earthquake was 9 and the death toll was 20,000. The main tectonic plate involved was the Mid-Atlantic plate. The tsunami following the earthquake produced waves up to 20ft high.
  • Krakatoa Eruption Java/Sumatra

    Krakatoa Eruption Java/Sumatra
    The eruption had a velocity of 6 and the death toll was 36,000. Over 70% of the island was destroyed and waves from the tsunami reached 37 meters high.
  • Aleutian Earthquake Alaska

    Aleutian Earthquake Alaska
    The magnitude of the earthquake was 8.1 and the death toll was 106. Over $26 million in damages were recorded. The waves of the tsunami reached up to 100ft.
  • Great Chilean Earthquake Chile

    Great Chilean Earthquake Chile
    The magnitude of the earthquake was 9.5 and the death toll was 61. This was the highest magnitude ever recorded during an earthquake. This earthquake lasted a total of 10 minutes.
  • Good Friday Earthquake Alaska

    Good Friday Earthquake Alaska
    The magnitude of the earthquake was 9.2 and the death toll was 130. Thousands of aftershocks occurred for 3 weeks following the initial quake. Surrounding areas of coastline were permanently raised by 30ft.
  • Hokkaido earthquake Japan

    Hokkaido earthquake Japan
    The magnitude of the earthquake was 7.8 and the death toll was 120. There was about $1.9 billion in damages from the earthquake and the tsunami. The first earthquake struck at 4:50 local time.
  • Papua New Guinea Earthquake Papua New Guinea

    Papua New Guinea Earthquake Papua New Guinea
    The magnitude of the earthquake was 7.1 and the death toll was 2100. The earthquake was caused by the Pacific Ring of Fire. The largest wave recorded reached 15.03 meters high.
  • Sumatra earthquake Indonesia

    Sumatra earthquake Indonesia
    The magnitude of the earthquake was 9.1 and the death toll was 230,000. The earthquake released energy equal to 23,000 atomic bombs. Mostly females were killed or injured due to the cultural issues at the time.
  • Samoa Earthquake Samoan Islands

    Samoa Earthquake Samoan Islands
    The magnitude of the earthquake was 8.1 and the death toll was 200. The damages consisted of two large separate earthquakes. These earthquakes were a cause of the Pacfic plate.
  • Chile Earthquake Chile

    Chile Earthquake Chile
    The magnitude of the earthquake was an 8.8 and the death toll was 700. Shaking lasted about 3 minutes and waves arrived within the first 15 minutes.
  • Tohoku Earthquake Japan

    Tohoku Earthquake Japan
    The magnitude was a 9.1 and the death toll was 20,000. This earthquake is known in Japan as "Great East Japan Earthquake". The waves from the tsunami traveled as far as 6 miles.
  • Sulawesi Earthquake Indonesia

    Sulawesi Earthquake Indonesia
    The magnitude of the earthquake was a 5.2 and the death toll was 4,340. After the initial earthquake 32 aftershocks occurred and 70,821 people evacuated.