Lisbon Earthquake (Portugal)
The tsunami was created by a magnitude 9.0 earthquake. The disaster killed about 20000 people. This is considered one of the most destructive tsunamis in history. The tsunami and earthquake caused many fires to break out in Lisbon. -
Krakatoa Eruption (Java/Sumatra)
The Volcano, Krakatoa, erupted which caused part of the mountain to landslide into the ocean causing a large tsunami. The tsunami alone killed 36000 people. The tsunami was approximately 120 ft high. A steamboat was carried about a mile inland, and killed all the sailors on board. -
Aleutian Earthquake (Alaska)
A magnitude 8.1 earthquake caused a tsunami to devastate the Aleutian Islands in Alaska. The tsunami killed about 160 people. The tsunami was 100 ft high, and completely destroyed a newly-built US Coast Guard lighthouse. In Hawaii, the tsunami caused waves of up to 55 ft. -
Great Chilean Earthquake (Chile)
A magnitude 9.5 caused a large tsunami to form off the coast of Chile. 200 people were killed in Chile and 61 in Hawaii as a result. The tsunami arrived in Chile only 15 minutes after the Earthquake struck. In Hawaii, parking meters were bent over by the force of the debris in the waves. -
Good Friday Earthquake (Alaska)
A magnitude 9.2 Earthquake caused a large tsunami in Alaska, as well as California. The death totaled 130 people. The tsunami was the second-largest ever recorded at 229ft. A port in Alaska was completely demolished as a result. -
Hokkaido Earthquake (Japan)
A magntiude 7.8 occured near Hokkaido, Japan which caused a tsunami as a result. The tsunami killed about 120 people during the event. The runups along the coastline reached up to 20 meters. The tsunami caused about $600 million in property losses. The first tsunami wave hit about 5 minutes after the earthquake occured. -
Papua New Guniea Quake (Papua New Guinea)
A magnitude 7.1 Earthquake that struck right off the coast of Papua New Guinea caused a large tsunami to hit the country. The tsunami killed about 2100 people in the process. The tsunami stretched about 30 kilometers along the coastline. The water swept about 600 ft inland. The tsunami struck in the middle of the night causing chaos within villages. -
Sumatra Earthquake (Indonesia)
A magnitude 9.1 Earthquake caused a tsunami in Sumatra. The tsunami resulted in 230000 deaths within the country. Some waves reached as high as 30 feet when the tsunami hit the coastline. The tsunami struck over five countries -
Samoa Earthquake (Samoan Islands)
A magnitude 8.1 earthquake struck the coast of the Samoan Islands which caused a tsunami to strike. The tsunami itself killed 200 people. Whole villages were destroyed as the waves, at some parts, reached up to 15 ft. high. -
Chile Earthquake (Chile)
A magnitude 8.8 earthquake caused a tsunami to hit the coast of Chile. The tsunami caused around 700 deaths in the country. Boats ran aground as waves as large as 50 ft. slammed into the Chilean coastline -
Tohoku Earthquake (Japan)
A magnitude 9.1 earthquake struck the country of Japan. A tsunami soon followed. 20000 people were reported dead. The tsunami in deep ocean was about 5 ft. high, and debris today is still being washed ashore from the tsunami.