
Most Damaging Tsunamis

  • Lisbon Earthquake

    Lisbon Earthquake
    The Lisbon Earthquake occured on November 1st, 1775 with a magnitude of 9 which killed 20,000 people. This disaster occured on All Saints Day a religous holiday. It completely desecrated the economy in Lisdon costing Portugaul 48% of it's GDP. Many philosophers used this event as an example in their therories, such as Rousseu who used it to support that man should live a naturalistic life
  • Krakatoa Eruption

    Krakatoa Eruption
    This volcanic eruption cuased the death of 36,000 peoople and destroyed 2/3 of the island. It's considered the loudest sound in modern history being heard up to 3,000 miles away
  • Aleutian Earthquake (Alaska)

    Aleutian Earthquake (Alaska)
    The Aleutian Earthquake occurred in Alaska and struck with an 8.1 magnitude killing 160 people. It caused $26 million in dmaage and the effcts were felt in Hawaii and the west coast.
  • Great Chilean Earthquake

    Great Chilean Earthquake
    The Great Chilean Earthquake occurred in Chile on May 23rd, 1960 with a magnitude of 9.5 and killed 61. This triggered numerous landslides and a swift rise in human sacrifices in the area
  • Hokkaido Earthquake

    Hokkaido Earthquake
    The Hokkaido Earthquake struck Japan on July 12th, 1993 killing 120 with its 7.8 magnitude. This triggered the breaking of large chunks of volcanic rock from its breccia bed. Japan added new protections such as sea walls and escape routes.
  • Papua New Guinea Quake

    Papua New Guinea Quake
    The Earthquake in Papua New Guinea happended on July 17th, 1998 killing 2,100 people with its 7.1 magitude quake. The highest reported height of the waves is 49 feet. The governemnt had to seal off one hospital to ensure there was no spread of dangerous diseases.
  • Sumatra Earthquake

    Sumatra Earthquake
    The Sumatra Earthquake occurred in Indonesia on December 26th, 2004 killing 230,000 with a magintude of 9.1. 66% of coastal fishing infrastructure was destroyed.
  • Samoa Earthquake

    Samoa Earthquake
    This occurred on September 29th, 2009 in Indonesia with a magnitude of 8.1 which caused the deaths of over 200. Forty different aftershocks with a magnitude of higher than 5 occurred in Indonesia within 48 hours. A memorial called the healing garden was set up after the tradgedy.
  • Chile Earthquake

    Chile Earthquake
    In Chile, an earthquake occured killing 700 people striking with a feirce 8.8 magnitude on February 27th, 2010. 203 prisoners escaped from a Chile prison. Curfews were also mandated to keep people from parcipating in looting.
  • Tohoku Earthquake

    Tohoku Earthquake
    In Japan, an earthquake hit on March 11th, 2011 killing 20,000 with a magnitude of 9.1. This quake caused the meltdown of Fukushima's nuclear powerplant. The Fukishima irrigation dam was wiped away sweeping away 10 homes.