Lisbon Earthquake
The magnitude was between 8.5-9.0. About 90,000 people died from the tsunami. The fires that burned after the earthquake and tsunami burned for about six days. As the water drained from the Rio Tejo lots of ships and treasures were uncovered. -
Krakatoa Eruption (Java/Sumatra)
About 36,000 people died from the eruption. The blast sent a cloud of smoke and debris 50 miles high and created 120 feet high tsunamis. The blast could be heard 3,000 miles away. -
Aleutian Earthquake
The earthquake had a magnitude of 7.4. There were 165 deaths after the tsunami. The tsunami hit Hawaii and many people thought it was a prank because it was on April Fools Day. -
Great Chilean Earthquake
The earthquake had a magnitude of 9.6. About 1,655 people were killed and 231 people were killed in Hawaii, Japan and the Philippines. The Cordon Caulle volcano erupted 2 days later which is thought to be linked to the earthquake. -
Good Friday Earthquake
The earthquake had a magnitude of 9.2. About 139 people were killed from the tsunamis, some in California and Oregon. This is the second most powerful earthquake ever recorded. -
Hokkaido Earthquake
The earthquake had a magnitude of 7.7. A total of 239 people died due to the tsunami. The tsunami cost most of the $600 million property damages. -
Papua New Guinea Earthquake
The earthquake had a magnitude of 7.1. The earthquake caused a total of 3 tsunamis to strike the coast of Papua New Guinea.The tsunamis killed at least 1,600 people. Earthquake caused by a shift along the boundary of Australia and Pacific tectonic plates. -
Sumatra Earthquake
The earthquake had a magnitude of 9.1. The tsunami killed a total of 225,000 people. The tsunami reached many countries such as Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, Maldives and Thailand. -
Samoa Earthquake
The earthquake had a magnitude of 8.0. About 120 people died from the tsunami. The earthquake caused a 3 inch rise in sea levels at the epicenter. The waves got as high as 46 feet. -
Chile Earthquake
There were about 500 deaths from the tsunami and earthquake. The earthquake had a magnitude of 8.8. The earthquake was felt as far as Sao Paolo, Brazil and Buenos Aires, Argentina. -
Tohoku Earthquake
The earthquake had a magnitude of 9.0. The earthquake and tsunami killed 15,894 people. People are still dealing with the effects and it could become the most expensive natural disaster in history.