
Most Damaging Tsunamis

  • Lisbon Earthquake (Portugal)

    Lisbon Earthquake (Portugal)
    the magnitude of the earthquake was 9 and the death toll was 20,000. 85% of Lisbons buildings were destroyed. Within 3 minutes, 2 meter wide cracks appeared on the streets.
  • Krakatoa Earthquake (Java/Sumatra)

    Krakatoa Earthquake (Java/Sumatra)
    The magnitude of the earthquake was 6 and the death toll was 36,000. It generated the loudest sound ever reported in history. The explosion fired up hot ash 50 miles into the air.
  • Aleutian Earthquake (Alaska)

    Aleutian Earthquake (Alaska)
    The magnitude of the earthquake was 8.1 and the death toll was 160. It resulted in $26 million in damage. The Tsunami waves traveled 490 miles per hour.
  • Great Chilean Earthquake (Chile)

    Great Chilean Earthquake (Chile)
    the magnitude of the earthquake was 9.5 and the death toll was 61. It lasted 10 minutes and it was the largest earthquake recorded.
  • Good Friday Earthquake (Alaska)

    Good Friday Earthquake (Alaska)
    the magnitude of the earthquake was 9.2 and the death toll was 130. Its the second largest earthquake recorded. Over 50 people were hospitalized with severe injuries.
  • Hokkaido Earthquake (Japan)

    Hokkaido Earthquake (Japan)
    the magnitude of the earthquake was 7.8 and the death toll was 120. The city of Okushiri got hit the hardest by the Tsunami. Within 2 minutes the tsunami struck.
  • Papua new guinea earthquake (Papua New Guinea)

    Papua new guinea earthquake (Papua New Guinea)
    the magnitude of the earthquake was 7.1 and the death toll was 2,100. At least 18,000 people were place into evacuation facilities. There was major damage to bridges and roads.
  • Sumatra Earthquake (Indonesia)

    Sumatra Earthquake (Indonesia)
    the magnitude of the earthquake was 9.1 and the death toll was 230,000. It estimated to have released energy equivalent to 23,000 Hiroshima atomic bombs. The earthquake struck 150 miles from the coast of Sumatra.
  • Samoa Earthquake (Samoan Islands)

    Samoa Earthquake (Samoan Islands)
    the magnitude of the earthquake was 8.1 and the death toll was 200. 289 families lived in residents that escaped damage of the disaster. The tsunami was 13 ft.
  • Chile Earthquake (Chile)

    Chile Earthquake (Chile)
    the magnitude of the earthquake was 8.8 and the death toll was 700. It ranks as the 6th largest earthquake. It was the most powerful tremor to hit Chile in 50 years.
  • Tohoku Earthquake (Japan)

    Tohoku Earthquake (Japan)
    The magnitude of the earthquake was 9.1 and the death toll was 20,000. It severely crippled the infrastructure of the country. The tsunami caused meltdown to 3 nuclear reactors.
  • Sulawesi Earthquake (Indonesia)

    Sulawesi Earthquake (Indonesia)
    The magnitude of the earthquake was 7.5 and the death toll was 4300. The Tsunami was 1.5 metre. More than 500 aftershocks hit the Indonesian islands.