Lisbon Earthquake
Magnitude - 8.5-9.0
Death toll - 10,000 -100,000
Occurred on the holy day of All Saints' Day -
Krakatoa Eruption
Death Toll - 40,000
Loudest explosion ever heard in modern history -
Aleutian Earthquake
Magnitude - 8.6
Death Toll - 165,173
Over $26 million in damage -
Great Chilean Earthquake
Magnitude - 9.5
Death Toll - 1,000 - 6,000
Most powerful Earthquake ever recorded -
Good Friday Earthquake
Magnitude - 9.2
Death Toll - 139
$311 million in damage -
Hokkaido Earthquake
Magnitude - 7.7
Death Toll - 230
Epicenter was in the Sea of Japan -
Papua New Guinea Quake
Magnitude - 7.1
Death Toll - 2,100
Lasted only 19 seconds -
Sumatra Earthquake
Magnitude - 9.1
Death Toll - 230,000
Maximum Mercalli intensity of 9 (IX) -
Samoa Earthquake
Magnitude - 8.1
Death Toll - 200
Dip-Slip Earthquake -
Chile Earthquake
Magnitude - 8.8
Death Toll - 525
Intense shaking lasting 3 minutes -
Tohoku Earthquake
Magnitude - 9.1
Death Toll - 20,000
Tsunami up to 40.5 meters