Lisbon Earthquake Portugal
The Lisbon earthquake had a magnitude of 9. The resultant tsunami killed 20,000 people.
Interesting Fact #1: Occurred on All Saints day
Interesting Fact #2: Fires followed earthquake along with tsunami -
Krakatoa Eruption Java/Sumatra
The Volcanic eruption and tsunami killed more than 36,000 people.
Interesting Fact #1: People were celebrating a festival when the volcano went off.
Interesting Fact #2: The eruption was heard 3,000 miles away; the explosion threw 5 cubic/mi of earth in the air. -
Aleutian Earthquake Alaska
The Aleutian Earthquake had a magnitude of 8.1 and the tsunami that followed killed about 160 people.
Interesting Fact #1: The earthquake has a Max Mercalli intensity of VI.
Interesting Fact #2: This event had little effect on the mainland of Alaska. -
Great Chilean Earthquake Chile
The Great Chilean earthquake had a magnitude of 9.5. The tsunami killed between 1000-7000 people.
Interesting Fact #1: Aftershocks remained around up to a month after.
Interesting Fact #2: Largest earthquake of the 20th century. -
Good Friday Earthquake (Alaska)
The Good Friday Earthquake had a magnitude of 9.2 and the tsunami killed around 130 people.
Interesting Fact #1: The damage was about $331 million USD
Interesting Fact #2: The earthquake lasted 4 1/2 minutes. -
Hokkaido Earthquake Japan
The Hokkaido earthquake had a magnitude of 7.8. The earthquake and tsunami killed about 120 people,
Interesting Fact: The epicenter of the earthquake happened in the Sea of Japan. -
Papua New Guinea Quake Papua New Guinea
The Papua New Guinea earthquake had a magnitude of 7.1. The quake and tsunami killed more than 21,000 people.
Interesting Fact #1: This was the country's strongest earthquake
Interesting Fact #2: The earthquake destroyed roads and created communication problems. -
Sumatra Earthquake Indonesia
The Sumatra earthquake had a magnitude of 9.1. The earthquake and tsunami killed around 230,000 people.
Interesting Fact #1: The earthquake lasted about 10 minutes.
Interesting Fact #2: This is also known as the Boxing Day Earthquake. -
Samoa Earthquake Samoan Islands
The Samoa earthquake had a magnitude of 8.1. The earthquake and tsunami killed about 200 people.
Interesting Fact #1: This took place in the "ring of fire."
Interesting Fact #2: This event effected multiple places including Samoa Islands, French Polynesia, and New Zealand. -
Chile Earthquake Chile
The Chile Earthquake in 2010 had a magnitude of 8.8. The earthquake and tsunami killed about 700 people.
Interesting Fact: The damaged reached $30 billion USD -
Tohoku Earthquake Japan
The Tohoku earthquake had a magnitude of 9.1. The Earthquake and tsunami killed more than 20,000 people.
Interesting Fact #1: This was one of the biggest earthquakes recorded in the last 100 years.
Interesting Fact #2: As a result of the tsunami, 2537 people went missing. -
Sulawesi Earthquake Indonesia
The Sulawesi Earthquake, which happened fairly recent to when this timeline was created, had a magnitude of 5.2. The earthquake and tsunami killed over 2,000 people.
Interesting Fact #1: This earthquake happened after a series of earthquakes in the area.
Interesting Fact #2: More than 330,000 people were left without homes, or adequate shelter.