
  • Erikson's 1st Stage: Trust vs. Mistrust

    Erikson's 1st Stage: Trust vs. Mistrust
    A) January 11, 1955
    B) Both of Caleb's parents were very loving towards him during infancy. They would shower him with affection and cared for his every need or want.
    C) Erikson's 1st Stage: Trust vs. Mistrust
    D) During this stage, infants learn who and what they can trust. Since both of Caleb's parents were attentive and caring, there is a very large chance that he has a positive sense of trust
  • Erikson's 2nd Stage: Autonomy vs. Shame & Doubt

    Erikson's 2nd Stage: Autonomy vs. Shame & Doubt
    A) February 15, 1957
    B) When Caleb was 2 years old, he was fully potty trained. Now he doesn't need to wear a diaper anymore. Instead, he now wears underwear.
    C) Erikson's 2nd Stage: Autonomy vs. Shame & Doubt
    D) At this stage, Caleb is developing his own sense of self. Now that Caleb can perform basic tasks like using the bathroom, he has developed self-confidence and a sense of security that stems from completing basic tasks.
  • Erikson's 3rd Stage: Initiative vs. Guilt

    Erikson's 3rd Stage: Initiative vs. Guilt
    A) March 20, 1959
    B) Caleb (aged 4) was playing tag with his mother. When Caleb's mother tagged him he started throwing a fit because he did not want to be it. Caleb became extremely upset and demanded that that stopped playing tag.
    C) Erikson's 3rd Stage: Initiative vs. Guilt
    D) During this stage, children begin to exercise control over their surroundings. They begin to attempt to control their surroundings through social and physical interactions with others.
  • Erikson's 4th Stage: Industry vs. Inferiority

    Erikson's 4th Stage: Industry vs. Inferiority
    A) April 21, 1965
    B) Caleb (aged 10) made a model volcano for his science fair project. He won first place in the science fair. His science teacher congratulated him on all his hard work.
    C) Erikson's 4th Stage: Industry vs. Inferiority
    D) During this stage, children begin to develop self-pride through social and physical interaction. The more positive reinforcement that is experienced increases self-pride within a child.
  • Erikson's 5th Stage: Identity vs. Confusion

    Erikson's 5th Stage: Identity vs. Confusion
    A) May 31, 1970
    B) Caleb (aged 15) decided to dye his hair blue because his friends were all dying their hair blue. He didn't want to feel like an outcast in within his peer group.
    C) Erikson's 5th Stage: Identity vs. Confusion
    D) During this stage, teenagers begin to develop and figure out their own personal identities. The development of self-identity also influences behavior and maturity within the teenager.
  • Erikson's 6th Stage: Intimacy vs. Isolation

    Erikson's 6th Stage: Intimacy vs. Isolation
    A) June 25, 1976
    B) Caleb (aged 21) married his college sweetheart Sarah
    C) Erikson's 6th Stage: Intimacy vs. Isolation
    D) This stage typically occurs during early adulthood. During this stage, young adults develop and long for committed relationships such as a significant other.
  • Erikson's 7th Stage: Generativity vs. Stagnation

    Erikson's 7th Stage: Generativity vs. Stagnation
    A) July 7, 1986
    B) Caleb (aged 31) now has a successful career as a pilot. Caleb and his wife have 3 children together.
    C) Erikson's 7th Stage: Generativity vs. Stagnation
    D) Typically this stage occurs during adulthood. During this stage, most adults strive to have a career and family. As the stage progresses adults begin to enjoy their accomplishments, their children, and their partners.
  • Erikson's 8th Stage: Integrity vs. Despair

    Erikson's 8th Stage: Integrity vs. Despair
    A) August 23, 2016
    B) Caleb (aged 61) has 3 children, 9 grandchildren, and has been married to his wife Sarah for 40 years. He is retired and feels that he has experienced a full life with little regret.
    C) Erikson's 8th Stage: Integrity vs. Despair
    D) This stage usually occurs in late adulthood. During this period most individual's reflect on their lives. It is typical that older adults feel satisfied with their lives if they lived the way they wanted to.