Morgan's Life

By morgan6
  • I was born! :)

    I was born! :)
    I was born on October 23rd. I was born at 10 at night.
  • Little Sister was born!

    Little Sister was born!
    Her name is Makenna!
  • First Day of Preschool!

    First Day of Preschool!
  • First Day of Elementary School

    First Day of Elementary School
  • Baby Sister is born!

    Baby Sister is born!
    Her name is Maliah!
  • I went to visit my Grandma

    I went to visit my Grandma
    She lives in Arizona and i flew in the plane by myself.
  • first family vacation

    first family vacation
    we went to colorado
  • First Day Of Middle School

    First Day Of Middle School
  • First volleyball game!

    First volleyball game!
  • Seeing my dad for the first time in a year.

    Seeing my dad for the first time in a year.