Moon over Manifest

  • Pamphlet on dangers of drinking

    Renowned doctor, Benjamin Rush, publishes "An Enquiry into the Effects of Spirituous Liquors upon the Human Body and Their Influence upon the Happiness of Society”
  • Period: to

    Temperance Movement Grows

  • Dr. Dio Lewis' temperance lecture tour

    Calls for ladies to take on the role of fighting against drunkenness and saloons
  • Women's Christian Temperance Union Founded

  • Kansas Prohibition

    Kansas adopts constitutional amendment that outlaws the manufacture and sale of any alcoholic beverage
  • Proposal for 18th Amendment

    Proposed by 2 biggest anti-liquor groups - Women's Christian Temperance Union and the Anti-Saloon League
  • Congress Bans Mail-Order Sales of Liquor

    Not allowed to import liquor between states
  • U.S. Declares War on Germany

  • Hattie Mae's First News Auxiliary

  • Jinx arrives in Manifest

  • American Defense Society Warning

    Germans or Austrians in the U.S. should be treated as potential spies
  • Victory Quilt Auction

  • President Wilson visits Manifest

  • Women's Temperance League Meeting

  • Ned joins the army

  • Deadly influenza kills townspeople

  • Spanish Influenza outbreak

  • Day of Reckoning

    Court settlement of the Widow Cane's Property
  • Ned Gillen dies

    Death causes Jinx to leave town
  • Finn Bennett dies

  • Homecoming

  • 18th Amendment Goes into Effect

    Prohibition starts
  • Stock Market Crashes

    Great Depression starts
  • Prohibition Repeales

  • Abilene arrives in Manifest

  • Abilene visits Miss Sadie's Divining Parlor for the first time

  • Remember When Contest

    The newspaper puts on a "Remember When" contest, where the citizens all write their favorite memories about 1918.
  • Abilene's father comes to Manifest

  • Abilene starts writing in the newspaper