monumental time line

  • the civil rights act of 1964

    the civil rights act of 1964
    Outlawing both segragationg and major forms of discrimination agains African-Americans males and females was signed into law
  • The first super bowl

    The first super bowl
    the first super bowl between the Green Bay Packers and Kansas City Cheifs
  • protest prostesting

    protest prostesting
    Chicago City Police got involved with anti-war protestors at the Democratic National Convention.
  • Elections

    President Richard Nixon was elected president. He was the 37th president. Was the only president to resign from office.
  • Firearms

    The firearms protection act was asighned to law, it revised many provisions of the gun control act.
  • Soviets

    START 1 was sighned betweent the U.S.A and the Soviet Unions. The treaty barred its signatories from deploting more then 6000 nuclear war heads, bombing and gunmen.
  • Discriminating

    Gay college student Mathew sheapard was murdered near the University of Wyoming only because he was gay and someone else didnt agree with his choice of life style
  • 9/11

    Septemeber 11th was the day the world trade center got attacked. It was also one of the two days in history that the trade center was shut down. This event was traumatizing to people everywhere.
  • Iphones

    Steve jobs created the first Iphone and apple. The Iphone inhanced most start phones today.
  • The Death of Osama Bin Laden

    The Death of Osama Bin Laden
    Osama was the leader of the terrorist group Al-Qaeda. He sent people from Al-Qaeda to attack the world trade senter and they did. He then went into hiding and wasnt found until a decade later. He was then shot and killed.
  • bombing

    22 people died adn 60 wounded by a suicide bomber at an election event in Iraq
  • Killings

    29 people killed and 130 injured by terrorists attacking at kunman railway station in china.