Montgomery Bus Boycott

  • Rosa Parks Joins the NAACP

    Rosa Parks became one of the secretary of the Montgomery chapter of the NAACP.
  • Formation of the Women’s Political Council

    This organization started focusing on segregation in Montgomery’s buses and it was the beginning for grassroots activism.
  • Claudette Colvin's Arrest

    Claudette Colvin, refused to give up her bus seat to a white person, this showed early resistance to bus segregation.
  • Rosa Parks Arrested

    Rosa Parks refuses to give up her bus seat and ended up being arrested.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott Begins

    The boycott began after the WPC distributed flyers. On the first day of the boycott, the local community decided to carpool instead of using the bus.
  • Formation of the Montgomery Improvement Association

    Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is elected as the president of the organization. It was formed by local leaders, and it was on charge the boycott and negotiations with city officials.
  • Martin Luther King’s House Bombed

    After MLK home is bombed, the community rallied in support, this strengthened the unity and commitment to the boycott.
  • District Court Rules Bus Segregation Unconstitutional

    This legal victory was the result to the efforts of local lawyers and activists.
  • Supreme Court Affirms Ruling

    The U.S. Supreme Court agrees with the district court's ruling. This led to an official desegregation of Montgomery buses.
  • End of the Montgomery Bus Boycott

    The boycott ended after 381 days, marking a huge victory for the local community.