Montessori Responds to World Events

  • Birth of Maria Montessori

    Maria Montessori born in Chiaravalle, Italy to a middle-class family.
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    "Work! Do Good!"

    Despite circumstance against her due to the status of women, Maria Montessori becomes a physician in Italy specializing in pediatrics and psychiatry.
    Montessori worked in free clinics convincing her intelligence is not rare and children have potential when given the environment to learn.
    Montessori excepted speaking engagements on women's movement, peace efforts, and child labor-law reform.
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    Oppressive Times for Woman

    Italy had a very conservative attitude toward women considered women as homemakers, teachers, or sent to the convent.
    Girls continued education in a "normal school" for vocational training and did not move on to university education.
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    Work Begins With Children

    Montessori becomes director of orthophrenic school part of the University of Rome and served developmentally delayed and autistic children.
    Montessori built upon predecessors to refine idea of scientific approach to education based on observation and experimentation.
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    Influential Theorists

    Jean Jacques Rousseau - sensory experience basis of knowledge.
    Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi - engaged children in direct experiences with physical activity.
    Friedrich Froebel - education a process of self-activity and self-discovery, leading to self-fulfillment.
    Jean Marc Gaspard Itard - work with "Wild Boy of Aveyron" led to developmental sensitive periods.
    Edouard Seguin - his sensory education included motor exercises, sorting geometric shapes, and exploration of textures, colors, and sizes.
  • First Casa dei Bambini

    Montessori coordinated a day-care center for children of working-class who were too young to go to public school, this was to be the first Casa dei Bambini.
    Montessori observed the delight of children in learning everyday living skills with carefully prepared teachers and environment.
    Montessori called her discoveries, "secrets of childhood".
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    Fascist Regime Further Denies Freedoms and Autonomy

    Italy’s Fascist regime moves from a dictatorship to totalitarianism.
    Instructors had to pledge their allegiance to government.
    Giuseppe Lombardo Radice's journal was closed.
    Mussolini was the honorary president of the 15th course's organizational committee with Maria Montessori the director.
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    Mussolini Influences Montessori's International Training Courses

    Mussolini acts as organizational chair for 15th International Course
    Maria and Mario were uncomfortable with Mussolini's involvement with courses.
    Montessori's international success with training teachers yet no recognition only legally tolerated in Italy. In 1931, international course deemed illegal so teacher's recognition declined.
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    Montessori Peace Maker

    Montessori meets Gandhi at the 17th international course in London. He admires her educational method and hopes she will come to India to help with the education in poor villages.
    Montessori organizes a European pilgrimage to build a "science of peace"
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    Impact of Enciclopedia italiana

    Mussolini's regime distrusts Montessori's pedagogical ideals.
    Mario and Maria under political police surveillance in Italy and extends to Netherlands and Spain.
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    Montessori Turns to Mussolini

    Montessori refers to Fascism as a "new force" that energizes trying to save what is left of her movement.
    In desperation, Montessori turns to Mussolini for support but he sees her as an inconvenience so he denied her request.
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    Montessori Moves Forward

    In Laren, Spain, Montessori gives her name for the first time to a school.
    Junior high school planned for Laren but WWll prevents it at the time.
    New materials and ideas emerge with people contributing to them from around the world.
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    "Educate for Peace"

    At the 6th international Montessori congress, "Educate for Peace" is focus.
    Montessori claims if we want peace, we must turn to children and study the laws that form man.
    "Secret of Childhood" is published with theme that the child is the builder of humanity.
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    Cosmic Plan Introduced

    At World Fellowship of Faiths, the idea of "cosmic plan" is introduced saying that every living thing is part of a universal harmony.
    Cosmic plan explains how children work for themselves as well as others and is a way to educate for peace.
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    World War ll

    Italy ally of Germany in World War II.
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    "Absorbent Mind" Phenomenon

    Acquisition of language, importance of movement and independence, and the development of intelligence is explored
    Further work done on cosmic plan for six to twelve year old.
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    More to Do

    Montessori witnessed devastation of war on society offered message of hope based on her own experiences.
    Reorganization of Opera Montessori and schools.
    Montessori offered assistance with Italy's widespread adult illiteracy.
    Nominated three times for Nobel peace prize
  • "The Forgotten Citizen"

    On the anniversary of the declaration of human rights, Montessori sent UNESCO a message entitled, "The Forgotten Citizen" due to overlooked rights of the child.
  • Montessori Passes

    On May 6th, 1952, Maria Montessori dies in Noordwijk aan Zee Holland.