Monterosso Final Product

  • 1920's Change in culture

    1920's Change in culture
    Music style:Jazz- A genre of music that originated in New Orleans. Change in Culture: It gave African Americans a chance to tell their story and help develop their own culture.
  • 1960's

    Music Style: Rock and Roll Change in Culture: Rock and Roll brought whites and black together for a moment. Their love of music put their differences aside. In addition, this style of music brought promiscuity.
  • 1980's

    Music Style: Rhythm and Blues Change in Culture: R n B was originated in Muscle Shoulds, Alabama and is credited to African Americans for their discovery. This changed culture because whites and blacks WORKED together in many projects.
  • 2016

    Music Style: Modern day Hip Hop Change in Culture: 2016 hip hop is changing culture because it is bringing independence. In addition, violence is being brought up in the music. And finally, retaliation and revenge.