• 1050


    Paper-money was invented in the 11th century in China. It was invented by the Mongolian emperor Kubla Khan when he was on China. The paper, a sort of promissory note, could then be traded for goods, and the seller could go to the agent and redeem the note for the strings of coins. With trade renewed along the Silk Road, this simplified cartage considerably.
  • Period: Sep 28, 1215 to Feb 18, 1294


    Kubla khan was a mongolian emperor. He was born in september 28 in 1215 and he died in february 18 in 1294. He conquered China in 1279, becoming the first Yuan ruler of all of China. He invented paper money because the Chinese authorities did not want the gold and silver that came from Sichuan's borders to go to foreign lands because of the intense trade in the region. That's how the paper money came up to solve it.
  • Cheques

    Cheques were invented in 1659 in England. It was invented by Lawrence Childs. Cheques are simply signed instructions to banks to pay money directly from one account into another.
  • Period: to


    James Ritty was born on October 29th of 1836 and he died on March 29th of 1918. He was born in Dayton, Ohio (U.S.A) so he is American. Ritty invented the device as a response to employee theft. He got the idea while on a steamship and finding a device that tracked the rotations of the ship's rotors. His idea was borne of necessity.
  • Cash registers

    Cash registers
    Cash registers were invented in 1879 in the U.S.A. It was invented by James Ritty. His objective was to stop dishonest employees from stealing money.
  • Credit cards

    Credit cards
    Credit cards were invented in 1950 in New York (U.S.A). It was invemted by Jhon C. Biggins. Credit cards, or ‘plastic money’, enable people to buy things or services and pay for them later by means of cash or a cheque.
  • Digital money

    Digital money
    The digital money was invented in 1995 in the U.S.A. It was invented by David Chaum. It will probably be the money of the future.
  • Euro

    The Euro was invented in 1999 in Europe. It was invented by Arthur Eisenmenger. Euros are divided into euro cents; each euro cent is one one-hundredth of a euro. There are seven denominations: €5, €10, €20, €50, €100, €200, and €500. 12 Each bill and coin is a different size. The bills also have raised print, while the coins have distinct edges.