Erikson title timeline

Molly's Life

  • Molly goes to preschool (Initiative vs Guilt)

    Molly goes to preschool (Initiative vs Guilt)
    Molly is used to being at home and having her own toys to play with everyday. She starts her day with eating breakfast and then(initiative) runs to her playroom to wake up her toys for a new day. She plays teacher and teaches her dolls to play nicely and cook her good food just like her mama.
    She does not enjoy going to see the doctor so she will hit her mom and throw fits. When her mom looks sad, Molly cries and hugs her mom(guilt) she feels bad for hurting her mom out of anger and fear.
  • Molly is now in highschool(Identity vs Confusion)

    Molly is now in highschool(Identity vs Confusion)
    During her first year of highschool she was bullied for her hair color being not blonde or brown so she dyed her hair red because it was her favorite hair color. After her hair changed she became passionate about hair and styles. She started to teach herself new techniques and decided she wanted to become a hair stylist after highschool.(Identity).
  • Molly gets married to the one she loves (intimacy vs isolation)

    Molly gets married to the one she loves (intimacy vs isolation)
    Molly and Steve get married and cannot wait to build a life together. (Intimacy).
  • Molly pregnant at 35 (Generativity vs self-adsorption)

    Molly pregnant at 35 (Generativity vs self-adsorption)
    Molly is concerned about the baby she is having because she thinks herself too old to have children meanwhile,Her mother is in the hospital. (self-adsorption). The community they live in has gotten worse. She decided to make her community a better place by sponsering a new teen center and helping with the soup kitchen on weekends. (Generativity).