Molly Caskey Civil War Timeline

  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    Proposed a new and more effective fugitive slave law and California was admitted as a free state.
  • Kansas- Nebraska Act

    Kansas- Nebraska Act
    Repealed the Missouri Compromise of 1820 and allowed people in the Kansas and Nebraska Territories to decided for themselves if they wanted to allow slaves or not.
  • Election of President Lincoln

    Election of President Lincoln
    although he was not on most ballots, Abraham Lincoln was elected president in 1860 and would become a major impact on freeing slaves.
  • Formation of Confederate States of America

    Formation of Confederate States of America
    Following South Carolina's lead, 7 other states left the Union and elected Jefferson Davis as their president.
  • Fort Sumter

    Fort Sumter
    The first shot to the Civil War took place initiated by the Confederates.
  • Bull Run

    Bull Run
    The first major battle of the Civil War, won by the Confederates.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    The turning point in the war allowing the Union to win followed by the famous Gettysburg Address by president Lincoln to say how the war is almost over and the nation will soon be one again.
  • Battle of Vicksburg

    Battle of Vicksburg
    This Union victory allowed the North to gain control of the Mississippi, and moving forward in the Anaconda plan, their original war plan.
  • Emancipation Proclimation

    Emancipation Proclimation
    Ordered by president Lincoln, this released slaves into freedom in the states that were in rebellion. This also allowed freed slaves to enlist in the Union's army.
  • Sherman's March to the Sea

    Sherman's March to the Sea
    The Union captured Atlanta, while destroying the will to fight for the confederacy, engaging in total war.
  • Battle of Richmond

    Battle of Richmond
    A Union victory and the surrender of the Confederacy, resulting in the end of the war in the Appomattox Court House.
  • Assassination of Lincoln

    Assassination of Lincoln
    Shot in Ford's theater by John Wilkes Booth, President Lincoln was killed.
  • Andrew Johnson Presidency

    Andrew Johnson Presidency
    After the assassination of president Lincoln, vice president Andrew Johnson became president. During his presidency, he pardoned most confederates that swore allegiance to the Union and allowed the rebellion states to form a government by sending representatives to congress and at least 10% of the state's population taking an oath of allegiance.
  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    This abolished slavery overall throughout the country after the civil war ended.
  • 15th Amendment

    15th Amendment
    This Amendment allowed African American males the right to vote, a major turning point in American history.