Proclamation of Neutrality
Issued by George Washington in 1793, the Proclamation of Neutrality promised that the United States would remain neutral in the ongoing war between France and Great Britain. It also promised punishment to any American who offered assistance to any nation involved in the conflict. -
XYZ Affair
John Adams sent three diplomats to Paris in 1797 to resolve the dispute with the French over Jay's Treaty. When the diplomats arrived in France, they were not met by foreign minister Charles de Talleyrand, but rather by three mysterious figures (X,Y, & Z). These men demanded a bribe and a large loan to France in order to see the foreign minister, conditions that the Americans refused to comply with. -
Convention of 1800
The Convention of 1800 settled the Quasi Wars, a series of naval disputes between the United States and France following the XYZ Affair. France agreed to return stolen American ships in exchange for U.S. compensation for damaged goods. -
Louisiana Purchase
The Louisiana Purchase was a land deal between the United States (President Thomas Jefferson) & France (Napoleon Bonaparte) in which the United States acquired 827,000 acres of land for 15 million dollars (approximately 3 cents an acre). This doubled the size of the United States. The purchase was controversial among U.S. citizens, some found it to be unconstitutional. -
Embargo Act of 1807
The Embargo Act of 1807 placed an embargo on all U.S. exports, making them illegal. It was an attempt by President Jefferson to remain neutral between France and England instead of going to war. It was also an attempt to punish England economically. -
The War of 1812
The War of 1812 was sparked by British naval impressment. Once war was declared, British and Canadian forces invaded the United States. The Americans suffered devastating losses, but still emerged victorious. The War of 1812 left the nation with a sense of national pride. -
Treaty of Ghent
The Treaty of Ghent officially ended the War of 1812 between the United States and Great Britain. -
The Monroe Doctrine
In the Monroe Doctrine, James Monroe essentially stated that Europe should stay out of the western hemisphere. Any action made by a European power in the western hemisphere would be considered an act of hostility towards the United States.