Benjamin Franklin Discovered Electricity
The actual date of Ben Franklin discovering electricity is not actually known to be exact. -
The Electric Battery Was Invented
Alessandro Volta created the battery and called it "Volt", named after himself. -
Electric Motor Was Invented
Michael Farady invented the first electrical motor.
The exact day and month is not known. -
Electrical Relay Was Invented
Joseph Henry invented the first electric relay in 1835 but the exact date is unknown. -
First Light Bulb is Created
Thomas Edison created the first light bulb in 1878. Exact date unknown. -
The Fuel Cell Was Invented
Sir William Robert Grove developed the first fuel cell. A fuel cell is an object that combines both hydrogen and oxygen to produce energy. although, the date and month are not known. -
First Electric Generating Terbine
In July of 1887, James Blyth installed one of these turbine to light his vacation home. -
Solar Power Plant
Henry Becquerel discovered the use of solar power by observing that electricity was being produced from the sun while conducting an experiment with an electrolytic cell. -
First Powerline
At Niagra Falls, a power line was built stretching from the United States side to the Canadian side of the border. Exact date is unknown. -
Geothermal Electric Power Plant
Piero Ginori Conti invented the first geothermal electric power plant. -
Hydroelectric Dams were Invented
The first hydroelectric dam was built by H.J. Rogers. He was inspired by Thomas Edison's idea of an electricity-producing station in New York. This began operations on September 30, 1882. The dam was located on the Fox River in Appleton, Wisconsin, and used natural energy instead of a generator. It created enough energy to light Roger's home, another building, and the plant itself!