Module Six Lesson Two Practice Activity One

  • The storming of the Bastille

    The storming of the Bastille
    As a preparation for a French army attack, revolutionists stormed Bastille because it was a symbol of the king and where they could get weapons. this marks the start of the revolution
  • King Louis XVI calls the Estates General

    King Louis XVI calls the Estates General
    The meeting was called because the French government was having financial problems from war and spending habits and the lack of taxes actually being paid by peasants because they could not afford it. This only raised the taxes for the French
  • The National Assembly adopts the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen

    The National Assembly adopts the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen
    The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen defined individual and collective rights at the time of the French Revolution. which gave in writing what peasants and revolutionists wanted out of the government
  • The Tennis Court Oath

    Members of the French Third Estate took the Tennis Court Oath, vowing "not to separate and to reassemble wherever circumstances require until the constitution of the kingdom is established" which essentially put the assembly out of commission temporarily
  • The Great Fear in the countryside

    A period of panic and riot by peasants and others over rumors of an “aristocratic conspiracy” to overthrow the third estate so peasants armed themselves. This was active violence in the revolution
  • The Women’s March on Versailles Napoleon's coup d'etat, overthrowing the Directory

    A group of women in a Paris marketplace began to revolt when they began to march through Paris demanding bread at a fair price until they met Versailles. This encouraged revolutionists because they felt that the bread was so expensive because of the queen's expencive taste
  • Period: to

    Module Six Lesson Two Practice Activity One

  • The Constitution of 1791 sets up a constitutional monarchy in France

    The Constitution of 1791 sets up a constitutional monarchy in France
    Created by the National Assembly during the French Revolution this document retained the monarchy, but sovereignty effectively resided in the Legislative Assembly, which was elected by a system of indirect voting but it only lasted a year
  • Louis XVI is executed at the guillotine

    Louis XVI is executed at the guillotine
    King Louis XVI was publicly executed at the guillotine which marked a change in the ruling of France during the revolution
  • Robespierre's Reign of Terror

    Robespierre's Reign of Terror
    A period of time in France when radicals took control of the revolutionary government and arrested and executed anyone who they suspected might not be loyal to the revolution. This "fueled the fire" of the revolution
  • The Directory is installed

    The Directory is installed
    5 men were chosen by the new legislature, by the Council of Five Hundred and the Council of Ancients (each year one director, chosen by lot, was to be replaced) This was a start to implementing electoral practices
  • Napoleon is declared Emperor Excessive spending and poor harvests lead to a financial crisis in France

    Napoleon is declared Emperor Excessive spending and poor harvests lead to a financial crisis in France
    Napoleon was able to become emperor but the earlier rulers had set left France in shambles. The monarchy's desire to live a lavish lifestyle meant excessive spending to do so. The result of this was France going into a financial crisis that only worsened with the coming of poor harvests.
  • Napoleon is defeated by Horatio Nelson

    Napoleon is defeated by Horatio Nelson
    At sea, Lord Nelson and the Royal Navy consistently thwarted Napoleon Bonaparte, who led France to preeminence on the European mainland rather than the sea. This is the start of Napoleons decline
  • Napoleon is defeated in Russia

    Napoleon caused the French army to lose to Russia when he tried to take over Russia in winter in order to expand France. This caused thousands of French troops to die and Napoleon to lose supporters
  • Spanish nationalists overthrow

    Spanish nationalism emerged in the Spanish War of Independence against Napoleon. This created a threat to Napoleon
  • Napoleon is exiled to St. Helena Napoleon is defeated at Waterloo

    Napoleon is exiled to St. Helena Napoleon is defeated at Waterloo
    The significance of this event was the mark of Napoleons defeat which causes a new era of French rule and Napoleons expansive empire began to crumble.