Module Six Lesson One Mastery Assignment One

By migomi3
  • Proclamation of Neutrality

    With still growing military force at the time, and the European nations constantly going to war with each other, Washington decided to make the Proclamation of Neutrality. The Proclamation declared that the US would not get involved with European affairs having nothing to do with America. It also stated that any American citizen who was caught aiding a nation in their war efforts against another country would be prosecuted.
  • Period: to

    XYZ Affair

    After Jay's Treaty was signed the French saw it as a major affront and began capturing American ships as retaliation. American diplomats went to negotiate the issue with the French Prime Minister but were instead met by 3 underlings. To top it off the French officials immediately demanded bribes before negotiations begn which the Americans refused. Americans were outraged upon hearing the news and a Quasi-War began between them. Adams spent the rest of his presidency trying to avoid full on war.
  • Convention of 1800

    After the XYZ Affair, an unofficial naval war between the US and France called the Quasi-War began. A couple of years later, the convention of 1800, which was a treaty, was signed to put an end to the war.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Napoleon wanted to keep his focus of conquest in Europe. Meanwhile the ideology of Manifest Destiny was spreading quickly through the US. On April 30th, President Thomas Jefferson had bought French territory that doubled the size of America for the price of $15 million. This allowed Americans to start spreading west of the Mississippi river and begin decades of expansion.
  • Embargo Act

    This act stopped all trade with Great Britain and France in order to further the distance with them while they were at war. There was a backlash, however, when the act heavily damaged the US economy.
  • Period: to

    War of 1812

    Relations with the British were still poor after the US Revolution. The British were aiding native americans in order to deter American expansion. The British were also interfering with American trade by seizing merchant ships and their crews and using the practice of impressment. Americans were infuriated war was declared. Several battles were fought on US soil eventually ending in victory for the US. By the end of the war American nationalism and pride was on the rise.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    This treaty declared a formal end the War of 1812. Although when the war ended, neither side gained anything. The treaty signed by both US and British officials meant that any territory gained or lost during the war went back to its owners from before the war. News of the treaty didn't reach the Americas for a while though. So the British attacked the Americans in the Battle of New Orleans that resulted in an American victory. The victory made Americans prideful and Andrew Jackson into a hero
  • Monroe Doctrine

    This doctrine was more of a warning to Europe. It stated that any interference to independent nations in the continent would not be tolerated and any attempts to colonize would be seen as an act of aggression.