Module 7-11 Victory in World War II

  • Although FDR was sympathetic of victims of the nazis, the U.S. gov. didn't help them enough

    Obviously, winning the war was needed in ensuring the safety and liberation of Nazi concentration and death camps. However, prior to the U.S. entering the war, the SS St. Louis a ship that came from Europe with 937 Jewish Refugees and tried to immigrate into Cuba which they were denied, they tried to go to Florida and were denied, they ended up going back, and around 234 were eventually killed by the Nazis. Before, and during the war the U.S. had anti-semitic officials and immigration laws.
  • Battle of Midway is won by the United States

    Battle of Midway is won by the United States
    The first battle between the Japanese and U.S. Navy six months after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in June of 1942. The battle resulted in a U.S. victory.
  • (desire of) Opening of Second Front

    (desire of) Opening of Second Front
    The desire expressed in 1942 by Joseph Stalin for an immediate invasion by U.S., British, and Canadian forces of German-occupied France to take pressure off the Soviet forces fighting the Germans on the eastern front. The attack in Western Europe did not begin until 1944, a fact Stalin resented.
  • Nazis lose their stronghold of Belgium and France, after the Allies advance inland after the D-Day Operation/Normandy Landings

    Nazis lose their stronghold of Belgium and France, after the Allies advance inland after the D-Day Operation/Normandy Landings
    With Stalin eager for the Allies to open a second front, The U.S. under the leadership of General Eisenhower combined with troops from Britain and at least ten more countries landed on the beaches in Normandy. The fought gallantly, and ended up repelling the Nazis who were stationed on the top of the hill with machine guns. Over 4,415 Allied soldiers died on D-Day, including 2,501 American soldiers. This victory opened up the second front.
  • American Marines won the Battle of Iwo Jima and Okinawa

    American Marines won the Battle of Iwo Jima and Okinawa
    Japanese fought between the U.S. and killed 6,000 Americans and wounded 20,000 others. Americans killed over 330,000 Japanese citizens. The attacks were conducted by B-29 bombers. In reaction of this, the Japanese launched Kamikazes attacks (suicidal airplane attacks) on American warships and airplanes. It was known as one of the costliest wars of all times.
  • United States attacks Japan

    United States attacks Japan
    At the same time as Iwo Jima and Okinawa, the U.S. Army Air Corps conducted firebomb raids over Tokyo and other major cities. This was done using newly developed planes, the B-29 bombers, which could fly from the Pacific island bases. The purpose of the bombing was to destroy the economic stability of Japan rather than their military forces. The U.S. also blockaded Japan, which further reduced their economy and resources. The Japanese government then responded by launching Kamikaze attacks.
  • Battle of the Bulge is won by the U.S.

    Battle of the Bulge is won by the U.S.
    The last offensive from the Germans starting in December of 1944. By late January of 1945, American and British troops drove the Germans back into Germany. The Allies then prepared to take over Germany.
  • The war in Europe ends

    The war in Europe ends
    Allies captured Berlin which caused Hitler to kill himself, and forced a Nazi surrender. Right after that Mussolini was captured, executed, which caused Italy to surrender.
  • U.S. drops Atomic bombs on Hiroshima, and Nagasaki, which forces Japan to surrender

    U.S. drops Atomic bombs on Hiroshima, and Nagasaki, which forces Japan to surrender
    Truman learns of the Manhattan Project, and decides to drop an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan. The bomb instantly killed 80,000 people, and thousands more would die of radiation poisoning. Three days later, Japan had yet to surrender and the U.S. dropped a second bomb on Nagasaki which killed around 100,000 people on impact. Japan surrenders on September 2nd.
  • U.S. becomes the major superpower wielding the A-bomb which lead to tensions and the Cold War

    U.S. becomes the major superpower wielding the A-bomb which lead to tensions and the Cold War
    With Hitler, and Mussolini dead, as well as U.S. victory over Japan. The U.S. emerges as the dominant world figure with its power using the atomic bomb. The Allies split into two factions, Capitalistic against Communistic. These two very different types of societies really start to resent each other and the arms race begins.