Module 6 Lesson 1 - War of 1812 Timeline Assignment

  • Hull's Proclamation

    Hull's Proclamation
    Brigadier General William Hull calls for invasion of Canada assuming Canada would side with American forces. They did not - Hull marches troops across border, shortly retreats back and surrenders four days later.
  • Siege of Detroit

    Siege of Detroit
    Anglo-American engagement of the War of 1812. Shawnee leader Techumseh sends his British force to the town of Detroit, Michigan. Hull's army (America) surrenders.
  • Battle of Queenston Heights

    Battle of Queenston Heights
    Victory by the British and Canadian forces. However, after the battle US and British authorities decided to do a ceasefire, the ceasefire allowed both sides to regroup and extended the hostilities even further.
  • Battle of Raisin River

    Battle of Raisin River
    General Winchester sends Kentucky troops to drive the British from Frencetown. The American troops surrender to British Colonel Henry A. Proctor.
  • Laura Secord

    Laura Secord
    Walked 20 miles out of American territory to warn British forces of an American attack.
  • Battle of Lake Erie

    Battle of Lake Erie
    Fought off the coast of Ohio on Lake Erie. Nine ships from the United States Navy defeated and captured six ships of the British Navy. This eventually allowed the US to recover Detroit.
  • Battle of the Thames

    Battle of the Thames
    United States victory against Great Britain. U.S. Navy gained control of Lake Erier and got their supplies, Major General Henry Procter of Britain was forced to retreat north where American infantry and cavalry drove and outnumbered the British.
  • Battle of Chateaugay

    Battle of Chateaugay
    A British force of regulars, volunteers, and militia from Canada and Mohawk warriors repell an American force while attempting to invade Lower Canada. Caused the Americans to abandon the Saint Lawrence Campaign.
  • The Battle of Chippawa

    The Battle of Chippawa
    Victory for the United States during an invasion of Upper Canada along the Niagara River.
  • Battle at Lundy's Lane

    Battle at Lundy's Lane
    One of the deadliest and bloodiest battles of the war. American army launches attack across the Niagara River. Major General Jacob Brown captures position.
  • Battle of Lake Champlain

    Battle of Lake Champlain
    American fleet of 4 ships plus 10 rowing galleys forces the British to engage the American army head on.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    Treaty of Ghent
    The US and United Kingdom signs a treaty to end the war. The treaty also makes our relationship better and no country lost their territory.