Module 1: History of Special Education and Inclusive Education Timetoast Timeline

By lianhes
  • Founding of the Ame. Sch. for the Deaf

    Founding of the Ame. Sch. for the Deaf
    The year 1817 saw the inception of the American School for the Deaf in Hartford Connecticut under the guidance of Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet. A milestone in creating the first special education institution in the United States dedicated to educating students with auditory challenges and setting a strong foundation, for subsequent special education initiatives.
    American School for the Deaf Official Website
  • Rhode Island's Compulsory Education Law

    Rhode Island's Compulsory Education Law
    In 1840 Rhode Island achieved a milestone by introducing the first compulsory education legislation in the United States' history. Although the initial emphasis of this law was not on students with disabilities at that time it laid the groundwork for promoting inclusivity by emphasizing the fundamental belief that every child should have access, to education irrespective of their abilities.
    Early American Education
  • Formation of the CEC

    Formation of the CEC
    The Council for Exceptional Children (CEB) was established in 1922 as the pioneer professional organization committed to the schooling and well-being of children, with needs. The CEB evolved into a hub for promoting advocacy work; advancing research and enhancing professional growth within the special education domain impacting both policies and methodologies.
    CEC Official Website
  • Organization of the ARCUSA

    Organization of the ARCUSA
    In the year 1950th there was a community advocacy organization founded by parents named the National Association for Retarded Citizens that is now known as ARCUSA. This group was pivotal in advocating for the rights and educational prospects of people, with developmental disabilities while also championing inclusion and raising awareness around these issues.
  • Est. Association for Learning Disabilities

    Est. Association for Learning Disabilities
    The Association for Children with Learning Disabilities was founded back in 1963 to champion the needs of kids facing learning challenges paving the path for increased awareness of learning disabilities and the creation of tailored support services, in settings.
  • PARC v. Pennsylvania

    PARC v. Pennsylvania
    The 1971 legal case of The Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children (PARC ) vs Pennsylvania resulted in an agreement mandating no-cost public schooling for all youngsters with intellectual disabilities. This legal battle established a standard nationwide regarding the rights of children with disabilities by guaranteeing them access, to education.
  • Rehabilitation Act, Section 504

    Rehabilitation Act, Section 504
    The 1973 Rehabilitation Act Section 504 was a federal law that banned discrimination related to disability in programs or activities funded by the government. It played a role in guaranteeing equal educational chances for students, with disabilities.
  • Passage of the EAHCA

    Passage of the EAHCA
    In 1975 Public Law 94–142 known as the Education for All Handicapped Children Act was enacted to guarantee that every student with disabilities is entitled to an Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). Additionally, it set forth the mandate, for Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) ensuring tailored support based on individual needs.
  • Reauthorization of EAHCA as the IDEA

    Reauthorization of EAHCA as the IDEA
    In 1990 the EAHCA was. Became the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDE) which broadened its coverage to include more conditions such as autism and traumatic brain injury The update also brought in transition planning within the IEP process to aid in preparing students with disabilities, for life after school.
  • IDEA Reauthorization

    IDEA Reauthorization
    The 1997 renewal of IDEA during President Clintons term introduced modifications such as the need for functional behavioral assessments and behavior intervention plans and the incorporation of students with disabilities in statewide assessments.This update highlighted the importance of IEP goals and enhanced the rights and educational assistance for students, with disabilities.