Module 1

  • Third Grade

    Third Grade
    In third grade I took my first typing class! My class was in the computer room in the library. I would play different games that would help me get familiar with the keyboard and become a fast typer.
  • Sixth Grade

    Sixth Grade
    In sixth grade every student received their own tablet. We brought them home to do our homework and used them in almost every class.
  • Seventh Grade

    Seventh Grade
    In seventh grade we would often create power point presentations and present them on our classroom smart board to the class.
  • Eighth Grade

    Eighth Grade
    In eighth grade our teacher would use a smart board to teach. She would use the smart board to write out different math equations and have us write on the board to solve them.
  • Eighth Grade

    Eighth Grade
    In Eighth Grade we took a computer science course. We went to a classroom with desktops and learned basic coding.