Modern World History: Years Of Crisis

  • Period: to

    Years Of Crisis

  • Period: to

    Treaty Of versailles

  • The Treaty of Saint German-en-Laye

    The Treaty of Saint German-en-Laye
    This treaty broke up the Habsburg empire and recognized the independence of Poland, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia. The league of nations covenant was still kept in the treaty. Broke up the Austria-Hungary navy.
  • Occupation of Rhur

    Occupation of Rhur
    A time period where the German Ruhr valley was occupied by France and Russia. Germans brought this on themselves when they defied the rules of transportation and goods, refusing to export coal and coke to France. This started conflict between the two, but it would soon be ended with the signing of the Dawes Plan.
  • Dawes Plan

    Dawes Plan
    Designed to help Germany pay back their debts after the Treaty of Versailles was passed. The only countries involved in this committee would be the U.S, UK, Italy, Belgium and France.The Dawes Plan main objective was to put Germany's government back on its feet again. Many events after this will prove whether this plan became a success or not.
  • The Young Plan

    The Young Plan
  • Japanese army seizes Manchuria

    Japanese army seizes Manchuria
  • Neutrality Act passed by the U.S

    Neutrality Act passed by the U.S
    Forced trade to stop with "belligerent" companies and forced most countries to have many problems because they didn't have the proper necessities to function. Making countries want to fight for their right to trade.
  • Computer is Invented

    Computer is Invented
    First ever computer made. Important for the transportation of messages, and contacting people across the world. Helps with keeping track of things and important files with the government.
  • Hitler sends troops into Rhineland

    Hitler sends troops into Rhineland
    Rhineland was a demilitarized zone in Germany. Hitler decided he wanted to remilitarize Rhineland, so he cancelled all of the war and military clauses. Two years later Hitler decided to try and take over other small communities which would ultimately lead to the battle of WWII
  • Nanjing Massacre

    Nanjing Massacre
  • Nazi-Soviet Pact Signed

    Nazi-Soviet Pact Signed