Modern World History Timeline

  • The First Gulf War

    The First Gulf War
    "A war between the forces of the United Nations, led by the United States, and those of Iraq that followed Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait in August 1990. The United Nations forces, called the Coalition, expelled Iraqi troops from Kuwait in March 1991." (
  • World Trade Center Bombing

    World Trade Center Bombing
    "Ramzi Yousef directed the organization and execution of the bombing. He said he did it to avenge the sufferings Palestinian people had endured at the hands of US-aided Israel." ( Six people were killed and it injured more than 1,000.
  • Oklahoma City Bombing

    Oklahoma City Bombing
    "The Oklahoma City bombing occurred when a truck packed with explosives was detonated...leaving 168 people dead and hundreds more injured. The blast was set off by anti-government militant Timothy McVeigh..." (
  • United States Involvement in Serbia

    United States Involvement in Serbia
  • Attack on the USS Cole

    Attack on the USS Cole
    The USS Cole was attacked by suicide bombers while in port to refuel. "The attack was attributed to al Qaeda and foreshadowed the attack on the US less than one year later on September 11, 2001. The explosion ripped a hole in the hull of the ship, killing 17 US sailors. Thirty-nine others were injured." (
  • Invasion of Afghanistan

    Invasion of Afghanistan
  • 9/11

    Terrorists hijacked 4 planes in mid-flight: two were flown into two skyscrapers at the World Trade Center and another destroyed part on the Pentagon. It is believed that the fourth was supposed to destroy the U.S. capitol or the white house, but passengers on the plane fought the hijacker and crashed the plane. Nearly 3,000 people were killed.
  • Invasion of Iraq

    Invasion of Iraq
    The U.S. and Great Britain invaded Iraq and defeated the military and paramilitary forces. The first phase of this war was followed by an even longer second phase.
  • Boston Marathon

    Boston Marathon
    Two bombs went off near the finish line of the Boston Marathon. It killed three spectators and injured/wounded over 260 other people.
  • Manchester Concert

    Manchester Concert
    "...Salman Abedi detonated a home-made bomb in the arena's foyer as crowds were leaving a performance by US singer Ariana Grande..." ( 22 people were killed and 116 were injured.