Map of Mexico
The map of Mexico -
Significant conflict since 1945
1944, Mexico agrees to pay U.S. oil companies $24 million, plus interest, for properties expropriated in 1938. The following year, Mexico joins the newly created United Nations. -
significant conflicts since 1945
Miguel Alemán becomes the first civilian president of Mexico since Francisco Madero in 1911. -
Economic facts since 1945
Mexico's inward-looking development strategy produced sustained economic growth of 3 to 4 percent and modest 3 percent inflation annually from the 1940s until the 1970s. -
Economic facts since 1945
Although growth of the urban labor force exceeded even the growth rate of industrial employment, with surplus workers taking low-paying service jobs, many Mexican laborers migrated to the United States where wages were higher. -
Economic facts since 1945
consequently when this generation was employed by the 1940s their economic output was more productive. -
political changes in 1945
Mexico became an active belligerent in World War II in 1942 after Germany sank two of its tankers. -
political changes in 1945
The Mexican foreign secretary, Ezequiel Padilla, took the lead in urging other Latin American countries to support the Allies as well -
political changes in 1945
Mexico’s population exploded at the end of World War II. The industrialism spawned by the war became a major element in the economy -
Current political and economic status
Mexico has lagged notably in promoting the effective rule of law and strengthening its legal framework. The judicial system remains vulnerable to political interference, and property rights are not strongly protected.