
Modern Timeline

  • The First Gulf War

    The First Gulf War
    The Persian Gulf War, also called the Gulf War, was an international conflict triggered by the Iraq's invasion of Kuwait in 1990. Egypt and several other Arab nations joined the anti-Iraq coalition and contributed forces to the military buildup, known as Operation Desert Shield.
  • World Trade Center Bombing

    World Trade Center Bombing
    The 1993 World Trade Center bombing was a terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, carried out on February 26, 1993, when a truck bomb detonated below the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York City. Jordanian friends Ramzi Yousef and Eyad Ismoil drove a van containing the bomb into a parking garage in the North Tower.
  • Oklahoma City Bombing

    Oklahoma City Bombing
    On the morning of April 19, 1995, an ex-Army soldier and security guard named Timothy McVeigh parked his Ryder truck in front of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City. Inside the vehicle was a powerful bomb made out of a deadly cocktail of deadly chemicals. McVeigh got out, locked the door, and headed towards his getaway car. At 9:02 the two bombs exploded killing 168 people. (
  • Columbine Shooting

    Columbine Shooting
    On April 20th, 1999, two students walked into their school, Columbine High School, going on a shooting spree, which caused the killing of 15 people (including the shooters) and more than 20 injured. This was seen as the beginning of a series of school shootings which has sparked gun rights talks in the US. (
  • Attack on USS Cole

    Attack on USS Cole
    On October 12, 2000, a motorized vehicle loaded with explosives blew a 40-by-40 hole in the USS Cole, killing 17 and injuring 38. This was seem as an act of terrorism by Osama Bin Laden's Al Qaeda. (
  • 9/11

    On September 11th, 19 people associated with the terrorist group Al Qaeda completed a suicide terrorist mission on the U.S. They hijacked two planes and flew them into the twin towers of the World Trade Center, killing almost 3,000 people. (
  • Invasion of Afghanistan

    Invasion of Afghanistan
    On October 7th, 2001 the U.S. invaded Afghanistan demanding the handing over Osama Bin Laden. When refused, the U.S began airstrikes in the nation. This was in response to 9/11. (
  • Invasion of Iraq

    Invasion of Iraq
    In 2002, President George W Bush argued that the US Vulnerability because of recent terrorist attacks and Iraq's support of terrorist groups and continuation of manufacturing of deadly weapons made them a renewed priority. Then on March 20th, 2003, when Iraq refused to come to terms, the US dropped bombs on a bunker which was thought to have the Iraqi president. (
  • United States Involvement in Syria

    United States Involvement in Syria
    The Syrian government was conspired of torturing prisoners of minor and major crimes. Because of this, the U.S. ordered sanctions against the Syrian government, but they continued, so the U.S withdrew ambassadors and diplomats from the nation. In 2012 the Syrian Government threatened use of chemical weapons, and were accused of using them in 2013. Since then, congress has approved of limited military strikes and has taken over 10K refugees.
  • Boston Marathon Bombings

    Boston Marathon Bombings
    On April 15th, 2013, two homemade bombs when off less than 250 yards from the finish line of the Boston Marathon. These bombs caused the death of three people, but injured 200+ people, including 16 who lost limbs. It was also seen as an act of terrorism. (