Syndey Hilton Hotel Bombing
The hotel was hosting the first Commonwealth Heads of Government Regional Meeting in Sydney, Austrailia. A bomb was left outside of the hotel in a garbage bin. 3 people were killed and 11 were injured. Still to this day, it has not been figured out of who left the bomb or why they did so, but accusations have been made that the hotel's secruity agencies did it. Whoever did it wanted the bombs to be found, leaving warnings to the hotel maybe to create fear so police forces would be created.. -
Water Poisoning in the Philippines
Villiagers on the southern island of Mindanao offered military authorities water during their run poisoning 19 of them. Authorities hasn't not identified the poisoners but Communist guerillas were considered. Some evidence points to the reason as to why the crime was commited which is due to the extremist ideals. -
Flight 103 Pan Am Explosiom
243 passengers, 16 crew members, and 11 reisdents on the ground were killed during this event. A bomb was hidden inside a cassette playing held in the cargo area of the plane in which eploded at 31,000 feet in the air. THis exposion occured over Scotland flying from London to New York. Islamic terrorists were accused due to their motive of seeking revenge for U.S. airstrikes against Libya. It wasn't until 2003 where Libya accpted responsibility for the bombing. -
Truck Bombing in Bogota, Columbia
A bomb was placed inside a truck that was outside the headquarters of Columbia's federal investigation police,Department of Administrative Setcurity. The explosion occured during rush hour. 52 people were killed and 1000 were injured. Several stores and about 60 cars were destroyed and a 15x30 ft crater was left in the ground. No one was ever claimed on the attack but there were suspicions that drug traffickers had done it to stop the government from extraditing suspected traffikers to the U.S. -
Tokyo Subway Sarin Attack
This attack was deemed an act of domestic terrorism by the members of Aum Shinrikyo, a religious group. The criminals released the gas on several subways lines during the height of rush hour killing 12 people and injuring about 5000. The attack was intended for trains passing through Kasumigaseki and Nagatachō, home of the Japanese government. -
Washington D.C. Antrax-Laced Letters
Biologist Bruce E. Ivins prepared and mailed multiple antrax-laced to Washington D.C. by himself. These letters killed 4 people and injured 7. Ivins attacked in the hopes to recue an anthrax vaccine program that he helped create. The investigation was not solved until 2010 when the police had enough sufficent evidence to but Ivins away. The police had spent billions of dollars in government and private spending to make sure there were no future biological attacks. -
Madrid Train Bombings
10 bombs were placed in backpacks exploding in 4 different communter trains with the bombs exploding one after the other. A couple bombs were found and defused by police officers. Al-Quida was blamed due to claims in a letter and a video message. But no evidence has lead to an arrest. Though, two arrests have been made. Jamal Zougam was arrested due to witnesses pointing him out for leaving the bombs on the train and Jose Emilie Surex Trashorras for selling the explosives for the bombs. -
Kano, Nigeria Village Attack
This attack was deemed the deadlist attack from Boko Haram in Nigeria. The extremist group opended fire on the Northern Nigerian villages killing about 2000 people, Shots were fired everywhere and bombs exploded. The attacks expanded through 16 villages. Police moved 10s of thousands villages to a safer place to keep away from Boko Haram.