Modern Middle East timeline

  • Allied powers carving the land out of the British-controlled territory of Palestine

    Allied powers carving the land out of the British-controlled territory of Palestine
  • Muhammad Mossadegh

    Muhammad Mossadegh
    newely elected prime minister. He announced a plan to nationalize the country's oil crisis.
  • C.I.A and British Intelligence

    They created a secret plan overthrow Mossadegh and then replace him with a leader who would be more receptive to Western interests.
  • Oil Consumption Rise

    Oil Consumption Rise
    During 1970 gasoline was rising as the domestic oil production was declining.
  • Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries

    Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries
    This led to several fuel shortages and high prices throughout most of the decade.
  • The Yom Kippur War

    The Yom Kippur War
    This war is when Egypt and Syria attacked Isreal on the holiday called Yom Kippur.
  • President Jimmy Carter

    President Jimmy Carter
    He expelled Shah fromthe country to get health care for a cancer treatement.
  • Iranian students storming the Embessy

    Iranian students storming the Embessy
    They took more than 60 American hostages.The cause of this action was President Jimmy Carter's decision to allow Iran's desposed Shah
  • Setting the hostages free

    Setting the hostages free
    They set their hostages free at the Embessy 444 days after the crisis began.
  • Ronald Reagon

    Ronald Reagon
    Ronald Reagon gives his inaugural address.
  • United Nations block Iraq

    United Nations block Iraq
    The United Nations declares a trade embargo on Iraq. It was called Resolution 661.
  • Resolution 678

    Resolution 678
    This demanded that Iraq withdraw or they would face military action.
  • Operation Desert Storm

    Operation Desert Storm
    The Apache helicopters and warplanes attacked Baghdad and other military targets in Iraq.
  • Others country join the fight

    Others country join the fight
    The United Kingdom and France join America in sending troops to Iraq.
  • September 11th terrorist attacks

    September 11th terrorist attacks
    Four airplanes were hijacked and then they crashed in the World Trade Center. The people who hijacked were part of a group called Al-Queda. They were led by Obama.
  • Attacking Afghanistan

    Attacking Afghanistan
    George W. Bush talks about attacking Afghanistan. Al-Queda were believed to be hiding in Afghanistan.
  • Peacekeepers

    Peacekeepers are put into place in Afghanistan.
  • Start

    This is when the Iraq war started.
  • President Bush

    President Bush
    President Bush declares the end of all operations in Iraq.
  • Providing aid

    Providing aid
    The U.S. gave over $10 billion to Afghanistan for reconstruction aid over 5 years.