Balfour Declaration
It was a lettter that made public the British support of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. It was announced after the end of WWI. The Balfour Declaration would later lead the League of Nations to entrust the United Kingdom with the Palestine Mandate. -
Palestine Become British Mandate
It was a legal commission for the administration of the territory that had formerly constituted the Ottoman Empire. When the United Kingdom got control of Palestine, they separated parts of Palestine for Jewish and Arab settlement. In the 1930's, more European Jews immigrated to Palestine because of the Holocaust. -
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The holocaust happened during WWII, when Hitler was killing all the Jews. If you were Jewish and living in Germany or anywhere around there. Then you were the one that was killed or put in a concentration camp. Because of that, the Jews living in Europe created Zionism, which was to create a homeland for Jews. There logical location was Palestine. -
Bill Clinton Becomes President
During his presidency, Bill Clinton arranged several meetings between Middle Eastern leaders in hopes that he could create peace in the Middle East. These meetings led to several peace agreements such as the Olso Accords and the Wye River Memorandum. -
Six Day War
This was a war between Israel with U.S. support and Arab nations in the Middle East. It resulted in Israel gaining the Sinai Penninsula, Golan Heights, the West Bank, and Eastern Jerusalem from Arab nations. -
Arab Oil Embargo
Arab nations in the Middle East stopped all trade with the U.S. which left us with a shortage of oil. This was a result of the U.S. supporting Israel, which had caused Arab nations to lose a lot of land. -
Yom Kippur War
This was a war faught during both Islamic and Jewish holy times. Egypt and Syria attacked Israel in hopes that they would regain land lost during the Six Day War. However, Israel won with the help of the U.S. -
Alaskan Pipeline
During the Arab Oil Embargo, the U.S. realized they needed another source of oil, so they bagan construction of the Alaskan Pipeline. -
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Iran Hostage Crisis
This was a diplomatic crisis between the U.S. and Iran. Fifty-two American diplomates were held hostage for 444 days, by a group of Iranian students, who supported the Iranian Revolution. The Iranians took over the U.S. Embassy in Tehran becuase they wanted to make a statement to the United States. -
Jimmy Carter Becomes President
Jimmy Carter was president of the US when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan, and was the one who decided to send troops there. Carter was the one who set up Camp David Accords. He was also in offense during the Iran Hostage Crisis. -
Camp David Accords
President Jimmy Carter brought in the Prime Minister of Isreal and the President of Egypt, to see if peace could be made. In the end, Egypt recognized Isreal as an independent nations and Isreal gave back the Sinai Peninsula. They both promised peaceful relations. -
Soviets Invade Afghanistan
The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan after the Cold War to try and spread communism. The United States sent troops to Afghanistan to help defeat the Soviets. The Afghans were able to defeat the Soviets pushing them back into the USSR. We supplied them with weapons and other things to make sure they were able to defeat to Soviets. -
Ronald Reagan Becomes President
Reagan was president during the releasing of the Iran Hostage Crisis. He made sure that all hostages were released. Reagan was also in office when Isreal invaded Lebannon. He sent US troops to take control of the situation. -
George H.W. Bush Becomes President
A major concern involving the Middle East during his presidency was the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq. President Bush's main objective during this time was to get as many countries to aid the U.S. in getting Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait. -
Desert Storm
Iraq's military invaded Kuwait, who was a major supplier of oil to the U.S. We were also worried that Iraq would take over Saudi Arabia, which would mean they would control a large part of our oil supply. On January 15, 1991, the U.S. invaded Kuwait in order to remove Iraqi troops. -
World Trade Center 1993
A group of terrorists attempted to knock the North tower of the world trade center into the South tower by setting off a truck bomb at the bottom of the North tower, killing thousands of people. They failed to do this, but killed six people and injured thousands. Many Americans believed the terrorists were working for Iraqi intelligence and wanted to blame Iraq for the attack. -
Centrazbat 1997
Centrazbat was a group of countries that were apart of a peacekeeping unit to provide peace and stability in Central Asia. In 1997, the first exercises were held in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. Soldiers from all over, including the US, participated in the drills. The US was willing to assist with training because it would enhance regional stability and increase interoperobility amoung NATO and PfP nations. -
Embassy Bombing in Kenya
It was an attack that killed 224 people, including 12 Americans. The bombings were linked back to local members of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad, brought Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri and theri terrorist group al-Qaeda, to the attention of the American public for the first time. -
Embassy Bombing in Tanzania
Osama Bin Laden ordered his followers to bomb several U.S. embassies in Africa. In Tanzania, 10 tanzanians who worked for the embassy were killed. -
U.S.S. Cole
The terrorist group Al- Qaeda bombed a U.S. naval ship, killing 17 American solidiers. A U.S. judge has held Sudan accountable for this event. -
George W. Bush Becomes President
While George W. Bush was in office, two hijacked planes flew into the World Trade Centers, he called this an act of terrorism. We later found out the planes were hijacked by al-qaeda. Bush sent US troops to Iraq and Afghanistan to find Osama bin Laden, the leader of al-qaeda. -
World Trade Center 2001
On September 11, 2001, two hijacked planes were flowen into the World Trade Canters. The planes were hijacked by members of al-qaeda. We called this an act of terrorism and sent US troops to the MIddle East to find the leader of al-qadea, Osama bin Laden. -
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Iraq 2001- present
The United States and their allies first invaded Iraq March 20, 2003. They invaded Iraq because of the bombing of the World Trade Center on 9/11. We called this the war on terror because we are trying to avoid more terrorist attacks on America.