Modern Israel/palestine

  • zionist movement begins

    zionist movement begins
    The Zionist movement was fueled by two things:thw religoius beliefs of the jewish people regaurding the return to their ancient homeland and the waves of anti-semitism
  • balfour declaration

    balfour declaration
    The balfour declaration was a product of years of careful negotiation.after centuries of living in a diaspora, The 1894 dreyfus affair in france shocked jews into realizing they would not be safe from arbitary antisemitismunless they had their own country.
  • British mandate starts

    British mandate starts
    in jully 1922 the leauge of nations entrusted great britian with the Mandate for palestine. regonizing the historical conection of the jewish people with palestine.
  • Peel commission

    Peel commission
    A british royal commission of inquiry, headed by lord peel,appionted in 1936 to investigate the cause of unrest in british mandate for palestine.
  • Arab armies invade

    Arab armies invade
    On May 15, 1948, the day the British Mandate over Palestine ended, the armies of five neighboring Arab states invaded the new State of Israel.