Modern environmental movement

  • Minamata

    Minamata is a neurological disease caused by meth. It started in Japan by Minamata bay. Caused by the consumption of fish who were contaminated by the methyl mercury compound that was discharged into the rivers from a chemical plant.
  • Silent Spring by Rachel Carson

    Silent Spring by Rachel Carson
    A book that stresses the harm of pesticides, specifically DDT, a mosquito repellent. And their harm on the environment and animals.(Hoy)
  • Bhopal Chemical Explosion

    Bhopal Chemical Explosion
    In Bhopal, India there was a gas leak of methyl isocyanate from a pesticide plant. It killed 3,400 people on site and many more later in life who were forever affected by the poisonous gas.
  • Chernobyl incident

    Chernobyl incident
    When staff was performing a test on the Four RBMK reactor at Chernobyl, Ukraine, something went out of control and caused it to explode.(
  • James Hansen

    James Hansen
    He was a NASA employee had a testimony in 1988 at the USA Congressional Committee on climate change.
  • Julia Butterfly Hill

    Julia Butterfly Hill
    She sat in a redwood tree for 2 years to stop the destruction of redwood trees on the west coast.
  • Wanjiku “Wawa” Gatheru

    She founded Black Girl Environmentalist, and is a Rhodes Scholar, and climate communicator.
  • Harambe

    A three year old boy fell into a gorilla cage with Harambe at the Cincinnati zoo. The boy was seen man handled and staff quickly took action and shot and killed Harambe.
  • Greta Thunberg

    She is a Swedish environmental activist who fought with world leaders to fight against climate change. She led the “Fridays for future” movement where over one million students went on strike.
  • Iron eyes

    Iron eyes
    A Native American from the Standing Rock Sioux tribe. She was an environmental activist since she was 9 and she opposed the uranium mine aswell as the Dakota Access pipeline that would have went through her tribes land.