Modern Environmental Movement

By Rader14
  • Passenger Pigeon Goes Extinct

    This extinction grows the conservation movement and new worries arise for other animals low in population. (Text)
  • UK Establishes 10 National Parks

    This not only emphasizes the need for conservation but also creates opportunities to educate the public on how to treat the earth well (Text)
  • Minamata Bay Calamity

    Shows that one problem can affect many species and work its way down the food chain, eventually can even reach and harm humans (Text)
  • Rachel Carson Publishes ‘Silent Spring’

    With the publication of the book most accepted the threat of chemical toxins negatively affecting humans and pesticide DDT is banned.
  • Formation of Green Political Parties Across the Globe

    With these new groups emphasizing on environmental conservation and taking care of the earth a new pressure is placed on the government as the people of environmental activism will want to be accounted for
  • Discoveries of Ice Sheets Thinning and Ozone Holes

    This brought to the attention of the public of the ozone depletion and the higher risk of skin cancer, we can see how pollution of the earth is harming not only the earth but humans as well (Text)
  • Chernobyl Disaster

    Not only did this negatively affect millions of people with radiation related ideas it also raised questions and opposing thoughts on the topic of nuclear energy (Text)
  • Biosphere 2

    Although the initial experiment horribly failed there were some positive take aways as the experiment had the better sealing and less leakage of oxygen less than space crafts. We also have a better understanding of what worked and what didn’t possibly leading into new experiments that will work in the future. (Video)
  • Johannesburg Earth Summit

    We see plans to globally improve water sanitation, energy supply issues, health, agriculture abuse, and biodiversity reduction. Here shows how globally we are trying to improve.
  • Fukushima

    After the nuclear reactor melted, it released radiation into the water which then absorbed into the plants and many people were displaced from their homes for a while. Then there was people protesting nuclear energy. Some nuclear power plants slowed or came to a temporary stop, others simply did safety checks and tightened safety restrictions.(Presentation)