Modern democratic American government

  • 1748 BCE


    Montesquieu wrote that power must be divided in government to prevent one part from becoming too powerful. Our Founding Fathers were influenced by Montesquieu when they designed our government.
  • 1215 BCE

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    The Magna Carta had a great deal of influence of the United States Constitution and on other constitutions and charters around the world. It was one of the first formal documents that made a king subject to the law.
  • 1100 BCE


    The Iroquois, a group of Native American tribes, formed an alliance with the United States to work together toward a common goal.
  • 689 BCE

    John Locke

    John Locke
    He published a book about the natural rights held by every human being. Locke's ideas about natural rights helped to form the way we think about individual rights today.
  • 510 BCE

    Ancient Greece

    Ancient Greece
    The idea of the United States Declaration of Independence can be traced back to 510 BCE, when parts of Greece became democratic.
  • 500 BCE

    Ancient Roman Empire

    Ancient Roman Empire
    Rome was originally ruled by kings, but eventually it changed into a form of democracy.