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Taiping Rebellion
The Taiping Rebellion was a major civil war in the southern chinese region. It was led by Xiuquan who believed that he was Jesus Christ little brother. About 20,000,000 people died in this rebelion. -
Wuchang Uprising
he Wuchang Uprising put an end to the Qing Dynasty. It also started the Xinhai Revolution which established the Republic of China. The uprising started when Russians were building bombs when one exploded leading to the uprising. -
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Chinese Nationalists move Capital to Taiwan
Mukden Incident
The Mukden Incident was when Japanese troops came into and seized the city of Mukden. This led to the Japanese invasion of Manchuria. This incident is also called the Manchuria incident. -
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The Long March
The Long March was a tactical retreat made by the communist Red Army of China. It was not just one march but a series of marches. The march also saved Mao Zedong and the rest of the Communist Party of China from being attack by the Guomingdangs. -
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The First-Sino Japanese War
Named after the Fisrt-Sino Japanese War, the second Japanese war was a military conflict fought mostly between the Republic of China and the Japanese Empire. During the war, China received economic help from the Souviet Union and the United States. -
Founding Date of the Republic of China
The Republic of China was founded on October 1, 1949. This is when the Peoples Republic of China overthrew the Qing Dynasty and Appointed Sun Yat Sen as the first president. -
Founding of the Republic of China
The Republic of China was founded on October 1, 1949. This is when the Peoples Republic of China overthrew the Qing Dynasty and Appointed Sun Yat Sen as the first president. -
Seventeen Point Agreement with Tibet
Established in 1951 the Seventeen Point Agreement with Tibet and the 14th Dalai Lama affirmed Chinese sovereignty over Tibet. The document was made by the chinese and mostly only benefits them. -
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Cultural Revolution
The Cultural Revolution was a social political movement that took place in the People's Republic of China. The revoultion was started by Mao Zedong who was laeder of the communist party. This sparked many new ideals in china including Mao's little red book. -
The May 16 Notification
On May 16 1966, the the Politburo of the Communist Party of China released the May 16 Notification which was a public announcement condemning the Mao's imperalism. Mao then left China and went to Albania. China then started to follow the more capitalistic ideas of Peng and Zhou. -
People's Republic of China admitted to UN
On Oct. 25, 1971, the United Nations voted to admit the People’s Republic of China rather than keep the Republic of China who were the Nationalists in Taiwan. This sparked controversy between the P.R.C and the R.O.C. -
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Nixon visits China
On February 21, 1972 President Richard Nixon visited the People's Republic of China. This was the first time an U.S president visited the PRC. At this time, the United States was an enemy to all communists. The visit ended the 25 years of conflict betwween the two countries. -
Gang of Four arrested
The Gang of Four was led by the fourth wife of Mao Zedong, Jiang Qing. The group was an large influence on China. During the Cultural Revoultion her group targeted some leaders like Deng Xioping and Liu Shaoqi. After the death of Mao in 1976 the group was arrested and were discredited. -
One child policy instituted
China's one child policy was instituted by the Chinese Communist party. The policy was created after Mao Zedong started a campaign for families to have more children. The estimated birth rates was around 3-4 children per family. This eventuaqlly led to an food shortage which was an result from Mao's failure to plan. -
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Tiananmen Square protests
Tiananmen Square is located in the center of Beijing, the capital of China. Tiananmen means gate of heavenly peace.The protests were basically a group of college students marching for a democratic government. Chinese troops eventually entered the square and fired on civilians. The death toll range was from several hundred to thousands. -
Building of the Three Gorges Dam
The gorges Dam is a hydroelectric dam that spans the Yangtze River near the town of Sandouping. The Three Gorges Dam is the world largest power station. As well as producing electricity the dam is intended to increase the Yangtze Rivier shipping capacity. -
Hong Kong Returned to China
Hong Kong Returning to China was the official transfer of sovereignty over Hong Kong from the Untied Kingdom to the People's Republic of China. The event was televised throughtout the world and was held at Hong Kong. -
Macau returned to China
Macua was the last remaining dependant state in Asia. This meant that the final vestige of European colonies in the region reverted to Chinese sovereignty. After this Macau returned to China. -
Hainan Island Incident
The Hainan Island Incident occured when there was a midair collision between the United States Navy and the The People's Liberation Army Navy. This caused an international dispute between the U.S and The People's Republic of China.