World Wide web is created
The creation that shaped the world as we know it today. A platform able to transmit information from one end of the world to another, allowing for better communication and a further advancement in humanity as we know it. -
George H.W. Bush’s Presidency
Bush's presidency was one of the most powerful in terms of foreign policy, but fell very short when struggling with the problems back in the US. Most of his presidency held much troubles both economically and trying to keep the public happy, even after breaking promises to do things such as create no new taxes. -
Fall of Berlin Wall
The fall of the Berlin Wall was an event that was huge both physically and in a idea way. With the fall of the wall, it was a sign of the slow collapse of the Soviet Union. Also, it a was a physical barrier that had now fallen, allowing for the people of Germany to finally be together again. -
Hubble Space Telescope Launches
The launch of the Hubble Space Telescope was a huge step in astronomy. This specific telescope allowed for astronomers to take photos which were of things much farther away and in much better quality than before. -
Operation Desert Storm/Persian Gulf War
After an invasion on Kuwait by Iraqi soldiers the U.S and other countries were pulled into the conflict by neighboring middle-eastern countries. The battles were mostly fought by in air troops and eventually a cease fire was signed. -
Fall of the Soviet Union
The fall of the Soviet Union brought light to a brand new Russia. This in turn brought light upon new ties with countries and an overall cleaner Europe (at least cleaner of Communism). It was called by many as a Christmas Miracle as the flag rose and fell for its last time. -
Bill Clinton’s Presidency
Mr. Clinton's presidency focused much on peace and prosperity for all in the United States. He enacted many bills moving towards less gun violence, better education, and even the environment. -
World Trade Center Bombing
After a car bomb exploded under the World Trade Center in New York, 6 people were killed and more than 1000 were injured. The skyscraper itself kept intact. The person behind the attack was Ramzi Ahmed Yousef who was detained two years later in Pakistan. -
Rwandan Genocide
A genocide that spread throughout the country of Rwanda targeted towards the minority group of Tutsi. The genocide was lead by Hutu extremist and it is said that the death toll could be set around 800,000 people. The genocide itself was struck by extreme ethnic tensions between the people of Rwanda. -
Oklahoma City Bombing
an attack on the "Alfred P. Murrah" federal building in Oklahoma City. The attack itself was done by Timothy McVeigh leaving 168 dead. Timothy was later executed for his crimes. -
Columbine School Shooting
Two teenagers, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, went on a shooting spree at Columbine High school in Littleton, Colarado. Through their massacre, 13 people were killed and another 20 were injured. At the end of all of it, both young men committed suicide. -
George W. Bush’s Presidency
Much of what Bush had to think about was brought by the attacks of 9/11. Throughout his first term he had above average public approval because of the steps he took after the attacks. During his second term this approval quickly plummeted as more and more economical troubles arose and also many of the ideas that he brought up began to be frowned upon by the public. -
September 11th Terrorist Attacks
Multiple terrorist attacks planned and done by the known group named "Al Qaeda" and supposedly funded by Osama Bin Laden. In the attacks of New York themselves over 3000 people died, but there were also other attacks such as at the pentagon. -
Space Shuttle Columbia Disaster
During the re-entering of the Colombia space shuttle, it began to denigrate as soon as it began to fly through the atmosphere. All 7 crew members were killed by the incident. Second major catastrophe in space shuttle program history. -
Hurricane Katrina
Hurricane Katrina was one of the deadliest and costliest disasters in the United States. Around 108 billion dollars in damage accompanied the disaster including 1,836 casualties. The hurricane stuck the Gulf Coast and was leveled at a category 5 hurricane with winds reaching up to 174. MPH -
Great Recession
Considered to be one of the largest economic downturns since the Great Depression, the Great Recession struck the lives of many. Over 8.7 million jobs were lost in the couple years that it lasted. Many believe the recession began because of the reduction loans and motgages. -
Obama's Presidency
Obama was the first African American President of the United States. Obama's presidency directly revolved around the economic crisis, peace with countries around the world, and creating a functioning health care. -
Haiti Earthquake
A magnitude 7.0 earthquake hit the country of Haiti taking the lives of up to 230,000 and affecting up to 3 million individuals. The damages of the earthquake were estimated to be up to 14 billion dollars. -
Affordable Care Act
The affordable care act was created as to provide support for families who would, without it, not be able to afford health care. In general, it is designed as to lower the costs of health care and to provide affordable health insurance to people. -
Tucson Shooting
Gabrielle Giffords and 18 others are shot outside of a Safeway in Tucson, AZ. The attack is planned and done by a man named Jared Lee Loughner. -
Osama Bin Laden Killed
The death of Osama Bin Laden, the head of Al-Qaeda, brought a sense of relief and peace for America, and the world. Osama was killed in Abbottabad, Pakistan by a Navy Seal mission. -
Boston Marathon Bombings
During the 117th Boston Marathon two bombs went off near the end of the race. 3 people among the blast died, while hundreds of others were injured including multiple amputees. No specific terrorist group was put in for the actions, but two suspects (one who died in a police shootout) were identified. One of the two suspects, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, was later captured and put on trial.