Chinese Revolution
The Chinese revolution started in 1929 and ended in 1949. The people who were involved in the war were the Chinese Nationlist party and the Communist Party of China. it was about the Cinese communists taking over the mainland. It changed the cold war because it changed who ran chinas property and also how china went about the war from there on. -
Uprisings in Hungary and Czechoslovakia
This war went from October 23 1956 to November 10 of 1956. It was a war against the Republic of hungary and the soviet- imposed policies.The revolt began with a student demonstration and many people showed up and marched through towns and buddist areas. Many prisoners were sent out and were armed to cotrol the situation. This affected the cold war because now there was a new thing of bringing prisoners out to fight wars and take control. -
Korean War
This war started in June of 1950 and July of 1953. It was a war between North and South Korea also known as theNorth being democratic and the south being republic. Stalin told Kim to atack the North even though he was not sure if he was not sure if it was the right time with the chinese revolution still going on. This impacted the cold war because it also seperated powers of who actually made the final desicions about the war for Korea now. -
Sputnik Launched
A satelite that launched October 4th, 1957. It was launched by the soviet union. This changed the way they look at technology and also how the rest of the war went about satellites and missiles. -
BerlinWall Goes up
This was a barrier built by East germany in August of 1961. All the wall did was seperate east germany from west germany and that was the final confirmation of them really being seperated from the wrest of the war. -
Russia invaded Afghanistan
Last throhg 1979 to 1989. between Russia and afghanistan -
U2 Spy plane shot down
The Plane was out against the soviet union and happened in 1960. Soiets shot it down but the pilot mr ray had put self distruct mechanisms so when it got shot it blew into peices and left no evidence, This impacted the cold war because now everyone was expecting some sort of plane to be n the air spying on them. -
Cuban missile crisis
happened in 1962 against the soviet untion, Cuba and The U.S. The U.S basically decided to bombCuba up to stop an future attacks on the U.S. This impacted the war because now everyone who fought us was expecting a surprise attack.