U.S.S.R aids Afghanistan
During the Third Anglo-Afghan War, the U.S.S.R decided to aid Afghanistan by sending supplies and military assistance against the British. -
Afghanistan becomes its own state
Afghanistan communist party takes all oof the power within the country and the country is renamed. The country is recalled the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan -
Friend treaty established between U.S.S.R and Afghanistan
Afghanistan and Russia created a friendship treaty that would last until the next year. The two countries had actually been good friends in the earlier 1900's. -
Soviet Union invades Afghanistan
Soviet troops enter Afghanistan, invaded the city of Kabul, Afghanistan's capitol, and attacked the Tajbeg Palace, occupying several goverment buildings. -
Soviets Dominate Afghanistan
By now, the Soviet Union has completely taken over Kabul, killing Hafizulah Amin who was the ruler of Afghanistan. -
U.Sboycotts Olympics
The Soviet Union war with Afghanistan spurred the U.S to boycott the Olympics, along with several other countries. -
U.S.A helps out Afghanistan
After learning that the Soviet Union was beating up on Afghanistan, President Carter makes a sppech declaring any enemy that hurts Afghanistan is consider a enemy of the U.S -
Protest at Kabul
The people of Afghanistan protested against the invasion of the Soviets. Started a big riot in the capitol Kabul, hundreds killed, thousands are injuried. -
U.S and Pakistan help Afghanistan's soilders
President Reagan gave permission with the help of Pakistan to help prep Afghanistan soilders against Soviets. They prepped the soilders in secret training camps located on Afghanistan's border. -
Allies sets attack against Soviets
The U.S decided to agreed to lauch attacks against Afghanistan into Soviet controlled Tajikistan and Uzebekistan, destroying any factories, machines, or land with their territory -
The Seven Party Mujahideem is formed
A organization known as the Islamic Unity of Afghanistan Mujahideen formed to help fight the Soviet forces. -
Soviets Battle against Bin Laden
The Soviet forces clashes with Osama Bin Laden army, taking place in Jagi, Afghanistan. Both sides were badly injuried, but at the end, the Soviets admitted defeat and retreated, -
Gorbachev Steps into the War
Gorbachev becomes Russia's president, tries to help ease off tension that's between the Soviets, Afghanistan, and the U.S Signed the Intermediate Range Nuclear Force Treaty -
Soviet Russia leaves Afghanistan
After the Geneva Records were signed in 1988, by February of 1989, the very last of the Soviet Union soilders leaves Afganistan. -
World Trade Centers attacked
On September 11, 2001, Two planes crashed into the two twin towers in New York City. Thousands are killed, and thousands are injuried.