
Historical Ideas About Matter By: Liam

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    Aristotle did not believe in the Atomic Theory because he thought that everything was made up of fire, air, water, and earth.
    Aristotle taught Alexander the Great.
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    Democritus believed:
    That all matter is made up of tiny particles called atoms.
    Atoms are indestructable.
    Atoms are solid.
    All atoms are of the same kind.
    Atoms differ in size, shape, mass, etc.
    Democritus was known as "The Laughing Philosopher". He was looked at this way because he was often cheerful while at work.
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    Empedocles proposed that all matter was composed of four elements: Earth, Water, Air, Fire.
    He proposed powers called love and strife which would act as forces to mix and seperate elements.
    Empedocles wasn't only a philosopher, he was also a politician. He was the leader of the democratic faction in his native city.
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    Islamic and European Alchemists developed a structure of basic laboratory techniques, theory, terminology, and experimental method.
    They believed in the four elements and kept their work in secret.
    Their work was guided by magic, mythology, and religion.
    The best-known goals of the alchemists was to transform common metals into gold or silver.