Dalton Model
In 1808 a British chemest named John Dalton created the first model of the atom. He believed that each element is made of atoms and that different elements arme made of different atoms. -
Thomson Model
J.J. Thomson discovered the electron and then created a new model. The new model was positivly charged with electrons. -
Nagaoka Model
Hantaro Nagaoka was a japanese physicist who proposed a model of the atom that in the center was a positive charge and electrons circling around the charge. -
Ruthford Model
Ernest Ruthford thought that the atom was made up of mostly space and that electrons orbit a center positivly charged nucleus. -
Bohr Model
Niels Bohr was a Danish physicist who made a model of the atom which showed that the electrons orbit the nucleus in specific laers rather than andomly. -
Chadwick Model
James Chadick, a british physicist discovered the neutron. This explained why the atoms were hevier than their prons and electrons