Dalton's Model
John Dalton, a British scientist, theorized that everything was made out of atoms. He also concluded that all atoms are the same, except some elements that have atoms of a different mass. His model was a small hard ball. -
Nagaoka's Model
Hantaro Nagaoka sugeested that an atom had a big sphere in the center with a positive charge, When he made this model, he represented this by having electrons revolve around the sphere, like the moon orbits the Earth. -
Rutherford's Model
Ernest Rutherford, hypothesized that an atom is mostly just empty, devoid of anything except for a little positively charged nucleus with some electrons that revolve around it. -
Bohr Model
A Dane named Niels Bohr had the idea that electrons moved in different layers, or shells, similar to an onion. When the electrons would move from one layer to another, the atoms would absorb or give off energy. -
Modern Model of an Atom
This model is the most current one, and the one believed to be correct in the scientific community. In this one, electroms from a negatively charged charged cloud aroudn the clustered nucleus. The electrons move around randomly, so it is impossible to determine where one is as at any time. -
Thomson's Model
J.J Thomson, a British scientist, discovered the electron in 1987. Eventually, he endeavored to make a model of an atom as he saw it, a positively charged ball with electrons embedded in it and around it.