Jan 1, 1300
The clock was created
the mechanical clock was created in the early 1300s. Time began to be measured in hours equaled to 24 hours a day in the 1300s. -
Jan 1, 1304
Francesco Petrarca was born
Born 1304 near Florence. -
Jan 1, 1386
Donatello was Born
Apr 19, 1436
Printing Press was created
The printing press was created by Johann Gutenberg in 1436. -
Jan 3, 1445
Botticelli was Born
Mar 6, 1475
Michaelangelo was born
Painter, architect, sculpter, and a poet. Born on March 6, 1475 and died February 18, 1564. -
Apr 6, 1483
Raphael was Born
Jan 1, 1500
Many Renaissence men came forth as a mark for the beginning of modern history which paved way for flux of new knowledge and scientific breakthroughs. -
Apr 19, 1519
Leanardo Davinci dies
Feb 18, 1564
Michelangelo dies.
Flush Toilets
The flush toilet Idea was thought of -
Was the beginning of modern day history
Art, science, literature.