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mobile phone in china

  • cars that vwerw usad in cars

    cars that vwerw usad in cars
    the phone has been a very recent phenomenon in the beginnnig the mobile phone could only be used in vehicles because of its size
  • the development of mobile

    the development of mobile
    mobile development is increasingly motile now have very a bans and intelligent
  • mobile phone china

    mobile phone china
    in 1975 were a little ad vancing the mobile in the world went from big to samall
  • rebolusion of the mobil

    rebolusion of the mobil
    the mobe united states when theyb created the first mobile people were happy because the could communicate by other ,means of comunication
  • movile in the 200

    movile in the 200
    in 2000 were moving more and more mobile and people could communicate easily and quickly before you had tolast every day in communicating with people
  • movile 2005

    movile 2005
    and people kike movile more and coald call more easily frirnds and relatives
  • mobiles 2008

    mobiles 2008
    in 2008 it was already the internet and smar phone
  • movile 2010

    movile 2010
    already in 2010 this advanced techology and abia sosial networks as facebok whassapp
  • movile 2012

    movile 2012
    and this is the development of the mobitle since 1973 since 2012