MLK Timeline

  • birth

    hes lfe began in alenta geogria
  • protest

    organized a protest aginst the local country court house
  • march

    him and serverl other hundreds marche to city hall in alenta to demensrate politacal strengh of african americans
  • baptest minester

    becomes a baptist minester
  • leadership

    dr king rose from local no become chairman of southen negro leaders confress
  • Recovered from sicknees

    Dr. King had recovered enough to visit India for several weeks. There he met with Indian Prime Minister
  • Things dont work out

    Civil Rights Act, Dr. King was uncertain that
    Eisenhower and the Republican Party would champion desegregation
  • all rights

    Dr king encourages all blacks to vote
  • Protest to jail

    Dr. King was soon arrested and sent to jail
  • All Joined up for one

    50,000 demonstrators joined the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom