MLK Jr. Is assassinated
MLK Jr. after performing his last speech ever, was at the Lorraine Motel when he was shot and killed on the second-level housing unit. -
Representative John Conyers introduces holiday
After the assassination, Conyers, a democratic representative from Michigan, introduced new legislation to enact MLK Jr. a holiday to commemorate his loss -
Illinois adopts MLK day
MLK Day was found as a state holiday in Illinois after is was introduced 5 years ago in congress -
Reagan Enacts MLK Jr. day
Congress finally passed the bill to commemorate a holiday to recognize the bravery and everything contributed to how he shaped America -
Mecham rescinds MLK Day
Mecham, an Arizona state governor, as his first act in office rescinded the legislation of MLK Day and set off a boycott -
44 states adopt holiday
by 1989, MLK day has been adopted by 44 states, not including Arizona considering it's problems with Governor -
NFL Moves Super Bowl
After the racist boycotts in Arizona erupted, the 1993 SuperBowl was moved to Pasadena rather than Phoenix, providing a great hit to Arizona's expected tourism margins -
Arizona citizens enact MLK Day
Arizona citizens vote to enact MLK Day as a holiday, and afterward the SuperBowl came back to Tempe in 1996 -
Utah becomes the last state to recognize MLK Day
Utah changes name of a Human Rights Day state holiday, which finishes the country's ride to getting all states on board for the holiday.