Mussolini Takes Power in Italy
Mussolini made citizens feel like there was promise and hope for the future. He was known for his powerful propaganda. He soon, though, turned Italy into having a facist government with him as the dictator. He was extremely influencial not only in his country but within the entire world. -
U.S. Stock Market Crashes
After a period of amazing stocks, the stock market was bound for trouble. On October 29, it crashed on a Tuesday. It is often called "Black Tuesday." This crash effected almost everyone and really pulled down the economy. -
Japan Seizes Manchuria
Japan invaded Manchuria with an attack. This symbolized Japan's expansion desires and was only the beginning. The invasion did not take long and they soon had control of Manchuria. -
F.D.R. is Elected President
FDR ran against Hoover, who was blamed for much of the Great Depression, and won. He is known for helping get Americans out of the great depressions with innovating ideas and listening to both parties' opinions. -
Hitler is Named Chancellor of Germany
Hitler was known for his powerful speaking skills. During this time, Germany was in a depression. Hitler made the people hopeful when he spoke of creating jobs and helping to get them out of their misery. He was a member of the Nazi party, one that ended up leading absolutely horrible acts. -
U.S. Neutrality Act
Even though FDR, the president, was not in areeance with this act, congress passed it in an effort to keep America out of any wars. They wanted America to stay out of outher countries business and to keep the peace. -
Italy Invades Ethiopia
When Italy went and invaded Ethiopia, it showed Mussolini's power and also it signified how weak the League of Nations were. Their greatest weakness was proving inable to enforece their rules and this is just one example of that. -
Hitler Defies the Treaty of Versailles
This is yet another example of how the Leaugue of Nations was weak because they did not enforce anything that they made. Even though Hitler defied them, they sat there and barely reacted. When he remilitarized Rhineland, Hitler was proving his power. -
France Militarizes the Rhineland
Many French soldiers went to go to the Franco-German border and yet they did not do much of anything or advance. Many feel that if they had taken action, Hitler could have been easily squashed and WWII may have been prevented. -
Civil War Erupts in Spain
Disagreements politically led to this Civil War in Spain during the year od 1936. It ended in 1939, lasting three year. This resulted in a fasict government arising. -
Japan Invades China
Japan's ultimate goal was to take over China and seize it. When they attacked them, this meant war. Eventually, China won. There is still tension between the two countries today. -
In an effort to create "unity," Hitler sent his army to Austria and made them join forced with his country of Germany. Many citizens of both countries had mixed feelings about this. -
Nazi-Soviet Pact
This was an attempt at creating peace. It said that if one of the countries was invaded or attacked, the other would not get involved. Germany broke this pact. -
Germany Invades Poland
Germany invaded Poland after stating that Poland had attacked them. Poland lost within a quick amount of time. -
Munich Conference
This conference was an effort to keep peace, giving Hitler Sudetenland if it would not invade anyone else. This failed and Czechoslovakia was not even given the option. -
Phony War
During the Winter of 1939, Germany didn't attack France. This was known as a period of Sitzkrieg. Germans were not invading anyone during this time. -
This was a night where they went and destroyed many of Jewish people's belongings. Things like stores were put to flames. This was the start of the anti-semitism that was rising. It was horrendous. -
Churchill is Elected Prime Minister
Churchill was elected Primie Minister of Great Britain. He was known as a very smart and influencial man who created good ties with America. Known for being an amazing Prime Minister. -
Miracle at Dunkirk
Many French soldiers were stuck at Dunkirk when they could not prevent the German assault. Thankfully the Allies came to their rescue and saved many who would have died otherwise. -
Battle of Britain
Britain stood alone against Germany and fought back against Hitler when he continuously bombed Britain. Churchill had little help, making it all the more difficult. He did such a good job that Hitler gave up on the bombing for a little while. -
France Surrenders
The French finally gave in after a long and hard fight and surrendered to Germany and Italy. This was right after the Germans took over Paris. -
Japan seizes French Indo-China
To try to prevent China from getting the resources that it needed to fight, Japan launched an attack on French Indo-China. -
Lend-Lease Act
Roosevelt convinced Americans to pass the Lend-Lease act. He reasoned that they should give Britain supplies to fight off Germany so that they could remain neutral and not have to fight. -
Atlantic Charter
This was a top secret meeting with Roosevelt and Churchill, the two allies. This soldifiied their alliance and they discssed their goals. -
Attack on Pearl Harbor
Japan bombed America's Naval base at Pearl Harbor. This surprised the people living there. Even though America had suspected that Japan would attack, they did not know where or exactly when,